12. Sunset

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"Well we're here" Finn said. I moved my hand away from his. "Great!" I exclaimed. I stepped out of the car and walked over to him. "I know this might be weird but I just thought we could sit together and watch the sunset from up here" He said sheepishly. I looked out at the view. "Its not weird. I like it" I smiled.

He smiles and grabbed his backpack. "I know a nice area" He said. He grabbed my hand. We ran softly through the forest. I watched him with a smile as he held my hand and led the way. I was not expecting this at all and it was so much better than I thought. After a few minutes of laughing and walking through the forest we made it.

There was a big field of different coloured flowers. At the end of the field was a cliff showing the sea down below. I used to go here as a child" He explained. He seemed extremely chill. I helped him lay the blanket on the floor near the end of the field. We sat there talking the whole time.

We had a whole lot more in common than I thought. I grabbed my phone and took a photo of the sunset. I wanted to remember this moment. "We should take a photo together" Finn said. I turned to look at him. "Sure!" I said. He watched me as I positioned the camera. We sat in the grass.

I smiled excitedly. I loved capturing moments with my friends. I didn't want to ask because he might not want to. Also it would sorta be like asking a celebrity for a picture. "Oh my gosh the moon is right there" I exclaim. Then an idea popped into my head. I grasped Finns hand softly. He looked shocked.

"What are you.." He stops. I move his fingers around into half a heart. I then connect my fingers with his. Our hands formed a heart and sitting in the middle was the moon. "Okay we have five seconds left smile" I said even though it was super dark and you could barely see our faces.

"I like it" I said as I inspected the photo. He smiled. "Me too" We stared at each other for a few moments. Unable to say anything. Then he spoke. "Its pretty late, I should take you home" He said. I felt a little bit disappointed but tried my best to hide it. "Yeah thats probably for the best" I said. I shivered as we stood up. I had left my jacket in the car when we came.

"Are you cold?" He asked. I nodded. "Its fine we'll be in the car soon anyways" I said. He smirked and began taking his hoodie off. "What are you doing?!" I asked in shock. "Oh there's really no need i'm fine" I protest. I watche as his shirt slightly slides up. Wtf watch your eyes Y/n. "Its fine, take it" He placed it into your hands.

"You'll get cold" I said stubbornly. I tried giving it back to him. He chuckled. Took it from me and placed it over my head. "Finn!" I complained. "Stop complaining and help me put it over your head" He said. I snorted. "If you get cold its not my fault" I whined.

He just held your hand and walked you through the forest. It was really dark which made it extremely terrifying. I held his hand tightly. "Are you scared?" He asked awkwardly. "No way" I defended myself. I could tell he was smiling even in the darkness. "I'm not!" I say although I don't believe it myself.

Once we're out of the forest I finally breathe. "You were totally scared" He says and laughs. I punch his shoulder playfully. "Stop" I laughed along. After a few minutes we got in the car. We were listening and singing a long to the music on the stereo.

"Y/n I know this sounds weird but I've never had this much fun with anyone else" Finn said and turned to me. "To be totally honest me too" I replied and looked at him. He smiled. "We should definitely do this again" I said. He kept looking at me. "Yeah" Finn agreed.

Finn POV

I walked her to her door. She dug through her bag for her keys. Her hair tie had slowly fallen lower. I pulled her hair tie off softly. She looked up at me in confusion. "I like your hair like this" I said shortly. "Oh thank you" She said nervously. I smiled. I pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

I took a step closer to her. "I found the key!" She exclaimed. "Oh nice" I replied and looked away. She turned around quickly and began opening the door. "There" She said with accomplishment. "Oh wait!" She said. "Your jumper"

She tried taking it off but I stopped her. "Keep it, it looks good on you" I said with a smile. "Are you sure?" She asks. I nodded. She looks up at me. Then she kisses my cheek with her soft lips. She hugs me. I stand there unable to move from shock and confusion. Her head is extremely close to my neck. "Thank you Finn" She whispers in my ear.

My heart races. She pulls away. "U-uh no problem" I stutter back. She giggles at my expression. She waves before disappearing behind the door. I stand there still for a few seconds. It was now clear that I liked Y/n a lot more than she probably likes me.

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