24. Leaving

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Finn POV

"It was weird. Y/n has been busy for four weeks" I explained to my friends who made a weird face. "What?" I asked him. Noah looked between the two of us. "Uh well if shes been busy for four weeks straight it usually means.." Noah started before turning to Gaten for help. I sat there helplessly.

"It means she might be seeing someone?" Gaten said. Shocked and slightly upset I sat up straight. "Shes seeing someone?" I said and opened my phone. "Maybe?" Caleb said and put his hands up. "But she hasn't posted anything about that. The only thing she posted was hanging out with her two friends" I said.

"Come on man don't worry about that. You can get plenty of girls" Caleb said. I felt angry he would even say that. Then I remembered he didn't know Y/n like I did. "I need to go get fresh air" I said and got up to walk away. "But we're at the airport" Noah said but I walked off anyways.

I walked away with my phone held tightly in my right hand. I walked around the corner where they wouldn't see me. I was frustrated. Why was Y/n always busy? Did she actually have some sort of boyfriend I didn't know about? I remembered the guy from my concert. 

Caleb walked over to me sheepishly. "Finn" He said. I looked up and gave a nod for him to go on. "You like her a lot don't you" He said teasingly. I laughed and hit him in the shoulder softly. "We can see it but, you should let her go" He said. "Why?" I asked him. "Uh well you're sorta going to Atlanta Georgia for a while and you don't want her to wait do you?" He asked me. 

I thought about it. I couldn't handle being away from her for more than four weeks. Now I was going to go for more than six months max. "true" I said and nodded. "We can find you a lovely girlfriend here" He said with a smirk. I shook my head and laughed. "I'm good actually" I replied.

Caleb shrugged. "Anyways we are sort of late for our plane, we should probably head out now" He said and we walked back quickly. 


"Oh my gosh I'm late!" I quick walked to the airport. I had seen a tiktok account where people filmed people who were late to their planes or trains. I was not going to be recorded. "Why aren't we running?" Sadie asked. "Millie turned her phone on and showed her the account. Sadie imediately stopped running.

Millie wanted me to keep it a secret from the guys so we could surprise them later. It was embarrassing but fun at the same time. "Oh my gosh they are over there" Millie said. They just started walking into the plane. "Also where is your suitcases?" I asked the two of them. "Oh you can pay extra to have your suitcase placed for you" Sadie said. 

"Dammit why didn't I know that" I muttered. We waited a few seconds so Finn, Gaten, Caleb and Noah didn't see us. "wait what if they see Y/n when we go to first class?" Millie asks in panic. Sadie shrugs. "I don't know we could hide her a bit" She said. So there I was. Walking awkwardly behind Millie and Sadie. 

I probably looked like a stalker but at least I made it onto my seat in time. Millie, Sadie and I had seats next to each other. It looked more like a room then a seat but I had never been in first class so I didn't really know what I was expecting. 

Sadie, Millie is that you?" Gaten asked. Millie and Sadie poked their head up. "OH hi Gaten!" Millie said with a smile. Gaten smiled and went to stand up. "Wait! We'll go to you hehe..heh" Sadie said and stood up. The two of them went over as I relaxed and watched some 90s movie from the screen. They came back after a minute. 

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