8. Finn Wolfhard

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I went into my room to find an outfit. I opened my closet. After debating what I should wear through the hundreds of different ideas. Since I knew the restaurant I knew it was super expensive and super fancy. I was probably going to max out my credit card. Worth it. I finally decided what to wear.

I wore a white dress with a pearl necklace

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I wore a white dress with a pearl necklace. I left my hair out. I put on my black heeled boots and a black handbag to hold my credit card ect. I placed a black bracelet around my wrist. I hope this was good enough? I walked outside in the direction of the restaurant.

When I arrived Hailey was sitting with a bright smile on her face. A lady at the desk greeted me. "Hello do you have a reservation?" The lady asked. I nodded. "I think it should be under the name Hailey Sanders?" I reply politely. Her eyes wandered on the computer before she looked back up and smiled.

"Enjoy your night" She says and guides me to the table. I sit down across from Hailey. Her blue dress looks stunning. I smile in accomplishment. We order our food and wait. "So how was it?" I asked her curiously. She smiles and bites her lip. "It was amazing, hes such a great guy! hes talented and smart and holy shit" She said.

"What?" I ask but she looks completely in shock. I follow to where her eyes are and almost die right there. Finn Wolfhard, was walking in with Millie, Caleb, Noah, Gaten and Sadie. I turn back before he notices I'm looking. "What the fuck" I hiss. "Is that really them!?" Hailey whisper screams.

"Shh" I shush her but I don't think they could hear us anyways. I was just nervous. "Girl you need to talk to him!" Hailey leans in and glances their way. "No way!" I say. I take a deep breath. "Hes with his friends and I don't want to bother him" I say calmly. My heart slammed against my chest.

We were sort of online friends but I never expected more than that of course. So it would be better to just pretend I didn't see him. Right? I bit my lip and waited for my food. "Y/n they are literally coming this way, I think their table is behind us" Hailey whispered. "Oh my god stop looking" A laugh escapes my lips.

I squirm in my seat as I hear footsteps nearing. I go on my phone to stop myself from turning around. In the corner of my eye I see them. My eyes uncontrollably look up at him. His eyes lock with mine. His eyes widen. My mouth opens slightly as my eyes widen with shock. He looks like he wants to say something.

I smiled shyly and wave slightly. Finn returns the smile. His head turns back to his friends for a second who don't seem to notice. He keeps on walking but turns his head twice. "Oh my god!" Hailey squeals. They were four tables away.

He sat down at the far back. Facing my way. He grabbed his phone. I lowered my eyes away. A waitress came to our table with our food. I ordered steak with potatoes, rice and vegetables. "Thank you" Hailey said as she stared at her spaghetti and dumplings. A weird combination she chose but I am not one to judge.

"What happened to your pizza?" I asked her with a smile. She shrugs her shoulders. "They didn't have pepperoni" She grumbled. I giggled. I felt like someone was watching me. I looked forward to see Finns eyes on mine. He reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone. I looked away nervously.

Finn POV

Was that actually Y/n? I looked at Millie. She was speaking happily with Noah. "Hey whats wrong you seem pretty quiet" Sadie asked. I looked back at her. "Um don't turn around now but I think Y/n is sitting over there" I said and avoided all eye contact. Millie turned her head around. Idiot.

Y/n looked at Millie. "Oh my gosh it is Y/n!" Millie said excitedly. Millie waved at her. "Millie what are you doing?" Gaten asked. Millie turned to us confused. "What do you mean? I am inviting her over here" She said blankly. "Millie she is literally with her friend" I say and try to get her to stop waving.

"It will only be for a few minutes" She declares before motioning for her to come. Y/n looks extremely confused. She points to herself and mouths me. Caleb chuckles and looks at me. "Millie are you crazy?" I whisper. She ignores me and nods at Y/n. She says something to her friend.

Hailey turns around. "Can I borrow her for a bit?" Millie calls out. Hailey smiles and nods. "Yeah of course!" Hailey said. My heart beat faster as Y/n got out from her seat and walked into our direction.

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