But, Will You?

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"Hey Aleks I think you should really- woah, what?" Seamus stood in the doorway to Aleks' bedroom. His sentence gone from his throat the minute his eyes landed on the russian. Aleks was asleep, his body covered by a huge blue comforter. But that's not what surprised Seamus. Aleks' head lay on Jordan's chest. The elder under the same blanket with his arms wrapped around the younger. Jordan was also asleep but stirred a little when Seamus dropped his phone.

Seamus picked up the valuable plastic and darted out of the room, shutting the door behind him. He scurried into the kitchen where James sat with a sandwich in one hand and his phone in the other.

"James!" Seamus exclaimed, sliding across the wooden floor and almost directly into his friend. James batted at him half- heartidly, he wasn't supposed to drink when he went out with Eddie last night but had gave up within an hour of listening to Eddie drone on and on about Aleks' problems.

"What?" James finally questioned, turning his phone on standby and turning the chair to face Seamus.

"Is there something going on with Jordan and Aleks that I don't know about?" Seamus questioned. Maybe he was just being left out of the loop, it had happened before.

"Aside from the fact that their totally in love with each other?" James questioned, around a mouthful of sandwich. Seamus rolled his eyes and nodded. Everyone, even the fans knew that the two were soulmates. That it was just a matter of time before they ended up together. But Seamus wanted to know if that had happened yet.

James shook his head, stating that Jordan went into Aleks' room to talk to him and then James had went out with Eddie. Jordan really was the only one that Aleks would listen to and that was only on certain occasions. Seamus shrugged, that didn't give him any insight as to why the two were cuddling in Aleks' bed. I mean sure most of the creatures teased Aleks with what they called UTS, unnecessary twink syndrome. And often they would hug him a bit tighter or longer than everyone else.

Still Aleks only cuddled with Eddie and that was before Max. Speaking of the russian, he was currently burying his head further into Jordan's neck. The door slam having woke the pair up but they equally refused to get up. Jordan was the one that James called to come and him and Eddie after their little drinking extravaganza. Aleks went along, not wanting to be alone in fear of his angry side reoccurring.

Then when they got back they spent a couple hours talking in hushed tones. Aleks explaining his diagnosis and when he went to get all the tests done and Jordan expressing his concern. Finally at around six in the morning they fell asleep in each others embrace.

"You're really warm." Aleks stated, curling in even closer to Jordan as the wind blew against his curtain. His window had a hole in it from one of his anger fits. Jordan chuckled, pulling the blanket even tighter around them.

"It's one of my many amazing qualities." He joked.

Aleks nodded, keeping his head tucked safely in the pocket of warm that was Jordan's neck.

"This isn't weird, right?" Aleks mumbled. He was still tired and he still wanted to sleep but his mind was racing. Jordan attempted to look at Aleks and failed, the russian was really good at tucking himself into small places.

"The truth?" Jordan asked.

Aleks nodded.

"No, this isn't weird. But the fact that I asked you a very important question last night and you haven't answered me is kind of weird." Jordan answered. Aleks bit his lip, sitting up so he could look Jordan in the eyes. He leaned forward at the same time that Jordan did, their lips connecting in a perfect puzzle piece like manor.

Aleks didn't feel fireworks, neither did Jordan. There was no chorus of angels. But there was this feeling of pure bliss that washed over Aleks. A feeling of pure and utter happiness that Aleks had never felt before. When the two parted Aleks had only one word to say.


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