True Love

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The air was cool and still around Aleks, his face even paler than usual as Eddie held his phone out of his reach. 

"Eddie please!"  Aleks begged, reaching up and finally slipping the phone out of Eddie's fingers. Eddie didn't move, choosing instead to stare at the russian as he bit his lip. Aleks attempted to come up with some sort of excuse and had nothing. He stared right back, watching as Eddie opened his mouth and then shut it, opening it again before speaking.

"You have literally two minutes, to explain why the hell you've been texting that douchebag." He said. Aleks pulled Eddie into his room and shut the door, walking around him to place his phone in his bedside table. Aleks pulled out a mini stuffed giraffe on a key chain. 

"He's been apologizing, I got this the other day from him. He said it reminded him of me because I always said how I wanted to go and see a real live giraffe. He's sorry, Eddie." Aleks said, placing the giraffe back in the drawer and shutting it. Eddie shook his head.

"Are you going to get back with him Aleksandr?" Eddie asked, crossing his arms. Aleks sat on his bed, refusing to look Eddie in the eyes. 

"What about Jordan?" Eddie continued. Aleks shook his head. Jordan and him were complicated to say the least. They had kissed and he had come to Aleks' rescue but, Aleks was scared. Neither of them had said anything about that day at Jordan's apartment. Aleks was filled with questions, on if Jordan regretted it. Regretted ever meeting Aleks, all of it.

"This isn't some fairytail Eddie, Jordan's great but he's not into me. And even if he was Max may have done some horrible things but I love him and he loves me." Aleks turned towards Eddie, noticing the way his eyebrows raised.

"Well he has a funny way of showing it." Eddie said, sitting down next to Aleks.

"Look, just two weeks ago you wanted to get out of there so bad. Now you want to go back? And Jordan is so into you. But that's beside the point. Anyway, you understand that this is weird right? You just got out of this horrible abusive relationship, yet you're trying to run right back into it. Why?" Eddie asked, placing a hand on Aleks'. 

"Max is the only person who's ever loved me for me. I don't mean like a brother Eddie. I mean real true love and if I walk away now than I might be giving up my true love."

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