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"He really hit you." Sly stated as he gently placed the ice pack on Aleks' bruised eye. Aleks had just woken up at the creature house, unsure of how he had gotten there. He wasn't all that intrested in learning considering how his head pounded and every part of him ached. Every part including his heart for some reason. 

Aleks didn't love Max, he knew that. He had no attraction to the bastard what so ever. So then why did he feel so incomplete right now? Like something was missing from his life? Maybe it was

"Where's Jordan?" Aleks asked. Sly smiled gently at Aleks and shrugged.

"Said that he had some business to take care of." Sly told him, reaching beside him to grab a bandaid. He opened it and placed it on one of the many cuts on Aleks' forehead. Aleks stayed quiet after that, shutting his eyes and focusing on trying to get rid of the pain that was all over his tiny body. 

He almost didn't hear James and Jordan come into the house. However he just layed there, with his eyes shut under the blanket that Sly had covered him with. Casually evesdropping on their conversastion.

"Is he alright?" Jordan had asked.

"Of course he is, he has no clue that you saved him though. Doesn't remember anything after the first hit. What did you guys do with Max?" Sly had responded. 

Aleks held back a gasp. Jordan had come to save him? Someone cared that much about Aleks to attempt to stop the abuse that Aleks believed that he deserved? The concept seemed foreign to the russian boy. He listened to Jordan's response, trying to figure out why Jordan would want to save him. Sure they had kissed, and Aleks couldn't hide his feelings for the elder. At the same time, Jordan had so much going for him, Aleks would just screw it up.

"He said something about going to a hospital. Wrist is most likely broken as well as his pride. Jordan fucked him up pretty badly." James said, slapping his hand on Jordan's back.

"He's also kicked out of the creatures." Jordan continued.

Aleks tensed up. Not only had his relationship just desintagrated before him, he had made Max lose his job. Now what would happen to him? Max could dedicate his whole life to coming after Aleks and making his life a living hell if he wanted to. And he probably wanted to. 

"We're going to make sure he doesn't come near Aleks again." 

Making Memories *Prequel to Keeping Secrets*Where stories live. Discover now