Senior Year

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"I'm so excited for this year!" Addi exclaimed opening my bedroom door. "Same!" I exclaimed standing up from my chair. That night Addi slept at the wolf den because the day before her and mom  had a huge argument that I didn't even know what was about can't lie.

"I love the fact that whenever the cheer team needs you,you're there. It means alot." Addi said smiling because I was going to cheer with them for the Seabrook International Cheer- Off and at Zed's football game.

Yes only at Seabrook will the first day of school be a huge football game. "Not only is tonight the biggest game in Seabrook history-" I started but Addi finished my sentence. "It's also a new year of twin time!". Twin time is something me and Addi made when we were like 6 years old. It just means we spend like a crap ton of time together and we were going to do exactly that.

"definitely." I said smiling at her. "Let's go." She said going to intertwine her arms in mine. I was wearing a pair of straight leg jeans with a collar shirt underneath a crew neck sweatshirt with the collar out. The shoes I decided to wear were very basic just some Black Vans.


"Willow! Addison!"I heard from behind me. Addison and I turned around at the same time to see Zed and Wyatt running up to us. "Hey guys." Addison greeted with a warm smile.

"Hey Wolfie Baby." Zed said going in to kiss my head. "Hey A." He said greeting Addi pulling away from me and going to hug her. "Senior Year!!" We all heard from the side we turned to see the ACEYS running towards us.

"Yesss." Wyatt said adding extra S'

We all greeted each other and walked into the school. I walked to administration to get my new schedule for this year. "Which classes do we have together!?" Addi asked me leaning over to try see.

Every year Addi and I are always in the same classes and have lockers next to each other and the lunch lady and most teachers confused the two of us, till this day our English teacher, Mr Rodriguez gets us confused but he just gives us books to read and then a question paper.

"We have all our classes together again." I said putting the schedule down. It's not that I don't love Addi I just get tired of everyone confusing us. We walked our separate ways from each other and then I heard. "Hey Addison!" from behind me. It was one of the cheerleaders.

"I'm Willow!" I yelled annoyed before snarling at the boy.


I went to cheer practice for the game today. We did the routine for the whole football team. "Hi." Zed said walking up to me before I could even reply Bree intervened

"You guys, tonight is our last chance
to cheer at a Seabrook football game." She said looking up at Bonzo. Bonzo said he wishes we could stay in high school forever in zombie.

"I know I wish we could stay in high school forever too." I said frowning. "Maybe we should flunk science
so high school never ends." Bree suggested.

"Umm." Addi and I said in unison looking at each other then Bree. "Nah we just have to much chemistry." Bree said smiling excitedly regaining herself. I sighed from relief because I did not want to flunk science with Bree.

"We are so gonna win tonight."Zed said changing the topic extremely fast "And when we do-" I started but Zed finished the sentence "We'll be together forever." He said making me smile up at him happily.

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