homecoming game pt.2

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We walked into the ice cream shop and ordered our ice cream then went to a table,I looked at the menu and started reading it. "Vanilla,vanilla,double vanilla.can you guess what the last one is?"I asked Zed. "Vanilla."he replied quickly. "yeah how'd you know." I asked him.

"you guys got a wide variety."Zed complimented. "of vanilla." I added lightly laughing. "here you go." the waitress said handing us the ice cream. "Thank you." I thanked with a smile as she walked away. "this is so Seabrook."I said annoyed while Zed took a spoon full of ice cream and ate it.

"and you know what vanilla works."Zed said with a mouth full of ice cream.i laughed at him. "I've always wanted to come here,now finally here I am,with you,on a date." Zed said smiling.i just nodded.

"this is so great." Zed added looking around. "is it Zed,I mean you're forced to be someone you're not,here and on the football field."I said. "yeah and you wear a wig to fit in." Zed said plainly which kinda hurt me,I pushed back tears. "exactly,but it's wrong,you know I hate wearing a wig but I have to and Addison hates it too, please don't get hurt out there." I said

Soon we started walking to the homecoming game.i walked in where all the cheerleaders were and told Bucky I'm not gonna cheer today and Addi gave me a pleading look along with Bree I shook my head at them and walked towards them.

"I can't cheer if Bucky doesn't support Zed." I confessed Addi just nodded as I walked out and went to take a seat on the bleachers near the zombies.i was walking down the bleachers to go talk to Bree but then I saw Zed sit down I ran to him and asked if he is ok

"you okay." I asked concerned and out of breath. "yeah just one more game to win." Zed said reassuring me. "Willow." I heard Addi call. "I gotta go Zed,I'm cheering for you always."I said kissing his cheek and running off.I went to Addison grabbed her pom poms and stood in front of the crowd and yelled "give me a zom!" "Willow." Bucky said whilst the crowd yelled 'zom' back.

Addi then stood next to me yelling "give me a bie!" y'all are way too good of cheerleaders to throw your lives away."Bucky said plainly. "we're cheering for a change Bucky." Addi said sternly and pushed bucky back, I looked at her with a smile whilst crowd yelled back 'bie'. "don't do it." Bucky said sternly in return. "give me a zom!"I yelled again "Willow"Bucky warned. "give me a bie!" Addi yelled. "I'm warning you."Bucky said once again

"what does that spell!?"I yelled "zombie!" the crowd yelled back "last chance" Bucky said to me. "what does that spell?!"Addi yelled  "zombie"the crowd yelled back for a 2nd time. "you're off the team you freaks!"Bucky yelled at Addison and I, suddenly Bree came running and stood next to me "Go zombies,Go Zed!" Bree said enthusiastically. "you're off the squad too." Bucky said making me and Addi turn to Bree,we just shrugged it off and I pulled the both into side hugs.

The football game continued and we continued cheering for Zed.I saw Eliza look at Zed and she stood up looking at her Z-Band.i heard a ticking like thing then heard Eliza say "softwares been corrupted,how,oh Zed what did you do?" I immediately stopped doing what I was doing and looked at Eliza she looked at me and immediately looked back at the field.The commentator announced that Seabrook had won the game and everyone cheered

I was a little bit worried but just let it slide.the other team was still on top of Zed until,Zed sent them flying,he stood up looking at his hands his veins were alot more visible now,and he was growling and hyperventilating,the Z-Alarm suddenly went off.

While everyone was running around I wanted to find Eliza and Bonzo but they also started zombie-ing out.i tryed calming them down but they didn't budge they went straight for Bucky and the ACEYS. the ACEYS they did it,they have something to do with this for sure. I then saw Zed walking off the field towards a running Bucky.

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