I'll always love you.

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"I'm her.......I'm Willows boyfriend and I love her with every bone in my body,and if you don't accept that well you gonna need to live with it." I said expecting the worst. "I'm glad my daughter found a guy like you."Mrs Wells said. "Let's get to finding her, please." Mrs Wells said to me

we searched the whole of Seabrook trying to find her.We even searched part of Zombietown but she was not there we all bailed for the day and said we were gonna look for her the next day.

that morning at 3:50am I got a text,from Willow.(bold is Zed.

Zed,I know I haven't talked to you but I'm okay I'm safe and fine I just needed some time to think.
low you can't go missing like that your parents are worried sick I'm worried please come home?
I love you too with my whole heart,I told your parents I'm your boyfriend,it was an accident but I really want to be your boyfriend.
read 3:52

great she left me on read.i put my phone down and went to sleep.


I walked to school alone and when I got there I cleaned out my locker because we were getting sent back to zombie only school they said it's temporary but I don't think so.Eliza didn't even show up to clean out her locker,I looked at Bonzo and asked "you got all her stuff,right?" Bonzo took out a paper and said that Eliza is gonna sabotage something in zombie,she was gonna sabotage the cheer championship I went with Bonzo and we went to the place the cheer championship was being held

I got there and searched for Eliza.then my phone rang I silenced it.


I was sitting with Bree,with the white hair out and her and I kept a seat for Willow knowing she would never miss the cheer championship. suddenly I heard someone stand next to us I looked at them and as soon as I realized who it was I engulfed them in a tight bear hug along with Bree. "where were you?!" I asked Willow. "I needed some time to think." she confessed. "where did you go,we searched all of Seabrook where were you?!" I questioned my sister.

"calm down, I was at Seabrook power the one place y'all didn't look."she informed me,I looked at our parents and they seemed upset but relieved.


before anyone asks the night before I snuck into Seabrook power and hid there and I was singing in the empty halls and I just released some stress.i was now at cheer championship I was with Addison and Bree and we were dancing to the music.

"I've always dreamed of cheering here,just soaring in the air as the crowd roared, flying higher than anyone's ever flown." Bree said making me giggle along with Addi

"That was a stupid dream." Bree gave up."no you will fly."Addi said cheering Bree up. "someday,as soon as this town gets over itself."I added. as we all laughed

"I thought your parents didn't want y'all out in public with your real hair."Bree asked concerned. "they don't but they can't make us hide it anymore, we're not leaving our seats."Addi said. "no way,our dads whole patrol couldn't get us off our seats."I added smiling with both of them.

"I don't know Bonzo she has to be here somewhere!" a guy said,I went to check who it was and saw Zed."there."he said running towards something. "it's Zed,um I'm gonna leave my seat."I said to Addi and Bree. "Go!Go!" Bree yelled pushing both me and Addison.we ran around trying to find Zed figuring he would be with Eliza.

"they think that anyway,at least you have the guts to stand up for yourselves,I say do it."I chimmed in when Zed said that Eliza shouldn't sabotage the cheer championship because it'll only prove that they're monsters.

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