Chapter 16

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"Dreamscape" Mr. Yeol dully announced.

Everybody applauded and some people were saying "YESS!" because their vote had won.

"What group name did you vote for, Woo-Jin?" Hwa-Young asked him.

"Oh, I voted for OXJ, you?" he replied.

"Riddle." she said plainly.

"Ah, it's ok though! Both of our votes didn't get chosen. Now we'll see who gets to debut!" he said with a smile, trying to cheer Hwa-Young up.

"Now, everybody, quiet down please." Mr. Yang said.

"We will now be choosing the gender and members of the group. For this, there will be no voting since the coaches have already decided the results." He then paused, as to think about what he had to say. "So, let's begin."

"I'm so excited!" Hwa-Young, who cheered up quickly, said.

"Yeah!" Woo-Jin, equally excited, replied.

And then Mr. Yang started speaking again.

"We have decided that the group will be of mixed gender with 5 members, 3 males, and 2 females. Even though it's an experiment, we will manage the group to the best of our abilities." he said.

"Now, to select the members. First the males and second the females of the group." he explained. "Firstly, Min-Jae Jeong."

There was applause.

"Then, Ji-Seop Lee."

Another applause.

"Lastly, Woo-Jin Choi."

There was gigantic applause this time, mostly because Hwa-Young was clapping as loud as she could, but also because he was pretty popular.

"Good job!!!" She said to him, who was beaming.

"Next," Mr. Yang started. "We will choose the 2 female members of the group."

"Firstly, Hwa-Young Moon."

Hwa-Young couldn't believe it. She made a face of disbelief.

"We're going to be in the same group!!" she very excitedly said.

"Yeah! Congrats!" he said.

Mr. Yang started speaking again. As soon as Hwa-Young heard what he had to say, her smile quickly faded from her previously happy face.

"The 5th and last member of the group will be Binna Lee."

After everybody thanked Mr. Yang and left the dance classroom, Hwa-Young was annoyedly talking to Woo-Jin.

"Why does she always have to ruin everything? Last time she literally beat me up and when I tried to tell the CEO, he claimed that I was lying. Now she's probably spreading rumors about me with Dallia, ugh." she told him.

"What? She beat you up!? You never told me!" he replied.

"You know, I didn't want to start something. It's better to let these things go sometimes." she said.

"True, but that's serious. Are you sure there's nobody else to tell?" he asked her.

Hwa-Young shook her head.

"Ok... I'm sure we'll have fun in the group anyways. Just pretend that she doesn't exist!" he said with a laugh.

That seemed to cheer her up a bit.

They then walked to the cafeteria to finish their lunches together. 

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