Chapter 3

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"You know what, I'll just apply. I have to show Dallia that I can be an idol just as much as she can." said Hwa-Young, getting frustrated.

So, she filled out the application form and submitted it.

The next day, Hwa-Young woke up at 5:30 AM. She couldn't sleep at all.

"Meh, must be because I'm stressed out. Let me just eat breakfast and I'll check my email for the application results after I'm finished".

While Hwa-Young was eating her favourite breakfast, pancakes with maple syrup, she heard her phone ring upstairs.

"It must be the results! Let me go check!"

Hwa-Young was getting very excited, she ran as fast as she could upstairs and answered her phone the second before it would have stopped ringing.


"Hello. Are you Hwa-Young Moon?" responded the caller.

"Y-yes! How may I help you?"

"Hello Ms. Moon, I am Chan-Yeol Yang from Spy Music Agency. I am calling about your application results."

"Oh, yes!"

"You are now officially one of our company's trainees since you have passed the application. We do not need you to do an audition since your application was exceptional. Your training sessions will begin tomorrow at 12:30 PM. Please do not be late."

"Thank you so much! I will arrive on time tomorrow! Have a nice day!

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