Chapter 11

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After Hwa-Young had calmed down, she started to think about all of the weird things that had been happening to her lately.

Then she remembered something.

Hadn't her neighbour, Cho-Hee Park, said that she was Mr. Yang's sister? Now that she thought about it more, she remembers hearing a small giggle behind her back when she went to her car after she stopped talking with her.

"Hm, strange..." she said. "Maybe I should try texting Cho-Hee and ask her about what's happening. Yeah, I think I'll do that."

As soon as she started texting her, she got a notification on her phone saying "8:30AM, Room 12C, Selfie-Taking Class".

"Agh." exclaimed Hwa-Young, annoyed.

And so she ran to room 12C, where all the trainees were patiently waiting for her to arrive. As soon as she opened the door, the instructor, Hyun-Woo Bae, started yelling at her.


"I'm so, so sorry Mr. Bae. I came out of the nurse's room recently because I had gotten injured yesterday. Did I miss anything?"

After hearing that, Binna and Dallia stared giggling silently. As far as Hwa-Young could tell, they had become best friends.

"No you didn't, we've been waiting for you. Now sit down!" he exclaimed.

While she was practicing taking selfies an hour or so later, she heard more tonking noises.

*tonk tonk tonk*

Even though she was sick and tired of these noises, she kept silent.

"I'm going to get fired if I say anything else..." she thought to herself.

The class ended, everyone said goodbye and bowed to Mr. Bae, and quietly left the room.

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