Chapter 19

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For our bachelor party Dream and I decided we just wanted to go out to a nice dinner. We were both exhausted and really just wanted to focus on the wedding tomorrow. We all got dressed up but not too much as we didn't want to draw too much attention to ourselves. I honestly thought that sounded ridiculous since we were a large group of Minecraft YouTubers, we were certainly going to draw attention to ourselves.

Dream got dressed and asked me if I thought his outfit was nice. "It's perfect," I said with a smile, but the collar of his shirt was a little messy so I fixed it for him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"What about mine?" I asked with a smile.

"Give me a twirl," Dream said with a smirk. I shot him a look and he nodded and made a twirling motion with his finger. I chuckled and obliged. I spun in a circle and Dream whistled. "I can't believe I get to spend the rest of my life with you." He said with a large smile.

Dinner went really well, all of our friends surprised us with gifts and we all excitedly talked about the wedding the next day. Afterwards Dream and I were going to take our honeymoon to go back to London and get all of our belongings. Nick was really excited because Karl was also going to be moving in so it would be the four of us living together. Everyone ordered drinks and I only got one. I didn't want to be hungover for my wedding, I wanted to really be able to enjoy it.

That night Dream decided we should sleep in separate rooms so we wouldn't see each other until the wedding and I agreed, but I really wished I could have had that night with Dream.

When I woke up I instantly remembered today was my wedding day. I got dressed in the room I usually shared with Dream. Dream and his bridal party were all going to get ready downstairs and we were all getting ready upstairs. Dream would leave first and we would meet them at the courthouse.

Once I was ready I left the bedroom and called downstairs to see if Dream was still there. When no one answered I texted Sapnap and asked him if they had left. He replied quickly and let me know that they had.

Skeppy, Karl and I all finished getting ready and got an Uber to the courthouse.

Dream was already standing at the end of the aisle when we walked in. Once my little group entered, wedding music started to play over the speakers. Quackity walked down first, throwing little white flowers onto the ground. Skeppy walked down behind him and then it was Karl's turn. Once Karl reached the end of the aisle all eyes were on me.

I slowly walked down the aisle to the sound of the music and my eyes didn't leave Dream the entire time. He had a wide smile plastered on his face and when I reached him he said "hi," in an adorable whisper.

"Hi," I whispered back. The person who was marrying us started their speech and then we got to the vows.

"George, do you promise to love and cherish Clay for the rest of your life as long as you both shall live, in sickness and in health, for rich or for poor?"

"I do," I said with a huge smile. Of course I do, he's perfect. I would never stop loving him.

"Clay, do you promise to love and cherish George for the rest of your life as long as you both shall live, in sickness and in health, for rich or for poor?"

"I do," Dream said back. I felt myself sigh a sigh of relief. I knew he wanted to get married but still, it was nice to hear him say it.

"The rings please," the person who was marrying us said.

Quackity pulled two rings out of his pocket.

"George, repeat after me. With this ring I thee wed."

"With this ring I thee wed," I repeated and slid the ring onto Dream's ring finger.

Dream looked at the ring and smiled at it, "It's beautiful George, I love it," I couldn't wait to see the ring he had picked for me.

"Clay, repeat after me. With this ring I thee wed."

Dream slid the ring onto my finger and repeated the phrase, "With this ring I thee wed." I looked down at the ring and realized Dream and I had thought of the same thing. He had picked a silver band with a green Diamond encrusted in it.

"You May now kiss the groom," the person said. Dream leaned in first until our lips connected.

"Woo!" Our friends cheered.

I blushed as we pulled away. Dream twirled a finger in my hair. "My husband," he said softly.

"You're my husband," I smiled.

"I present to you the married couple, George and Dream."

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