Chapter 15

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I flung my arms around him and he hugged me tightly. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I was always planning on coming but I couldn't come when you did, because people would realize who I was, so I figured I'd use it as an opportunity to surprise you." He said with a smile.

"You love surprising me don't you?"

"Very much yes," he smiled. "I like how happy it makes you."

"I needed it to be honest." 

"I know I saw that," he sighed. "Someone posted the full video. I saw the Karl one first and I was so confused why he did that but she deserved that."

"Yeah, Bad is really upset."

"What about you?" He asked and I felt my heart flutter. "Are you okay? She really was tearing into you. I felt my heart break watching it. The kept showing your face and you looked so sad."

"I'm okay, I just felt a little upset. But Sapnap talked to me and I feel better really."

"You sure?" He asked.

"How could I be upset when you're here?" I said flirting with him. He smirked at me and hugged me tightly.

"I missed you Gogy," he said and kissed my forehead. "Should we go talk to Bad?"

I nodded, "Mhm."

He carried me upstairs, my arms and legs were wrapped around his body and he help me up with his hands on my butt. When we got to Bad's room he set me down and knocked on the door. Skeppy answered the door. "It's Dream and George can they come in?" Skeppy asked him. Bad must have nodded because Skeppy let us in.

"Hey Bad, you okay?" Dream asked sitting on the bed beside him. Bad was laying under the covers and had his face covered.

"I'm fine," he said, but I could tell by his voice he was not fine.

"Hey Skeppy can we have a sec?" Dream asked. Skeppy nodded and walked out, closing the door behind him. "Bad, I know how you feel about Skeppy," he whispered. "Is that why you're so upset?"

Bad sat up and his eyes showed signs that he had been crying. "I mean partially, I just couldn't help but think she's right and that's all this is to Skeppy. I mean when she said that I started to think what if Skeppy is using me just to make money."

"Bad, she wanted to start drama, she wasn't right about anything." I said to comfort him.

"She may not know she's right, but what if she really is right about this?" Bad asked.

"Bad, Skeppy was down there talking to us and he was so mad that she hurt you. He thought you were upset because you have an image that you're wholesome and you let people down basically. He wouldn't have sat in here making sure you were okay if he didn't care about you." I reassured him.

Bad sighed. "Maybe or maybe he needs to keep me happy so that he can make the most money off of our friendship."

"Does Skeppy really seem like that type? How often do you guys talk Bad?" I asked.

"I mean a lot," he said.

"Off stream?" Dream asked.

"Yeah a lot we talk like everyday just to talk."

"Well there ya go dummy," Dream said. "If he was using you he wouldn't talk to you all the time."

"And I think you should tell him how you feel. You never know but even if he doesn't have feelings for you it would be good for him to know so when something like this happens he'll know the truth."

"Maybe I will," he said with a smile. Eventually Skeppy came back and since Bad was calmed down, Dream and I left the room.

"You realize if they get together I will have gotten three couples together in the Dream SMP."

"No, two," Dream argued.

"What I totally played a part in Karlnap-"

"Sure, but I got us together," he said with a smirk. "I mean I came all the way to London to confess my love."

"Would you have done that if it hadn't been for the stream?" I countered.

"Okay probably not," he admitted. "I mean I've liked you for years but I had no intention of you ever finding out."

"Neither did I," I said with a chuckle. "You see how that worked out." Dream smiled at me and kissed my forehead. I gave him a pouty face.

"What?" He chuckled.

"I want a real kiss," I said trying to keep the pout.

Dream smiled before leaning in and gently pressing his lips to mine. I leaned in so that I was kissing him back and wrapped my arms around his hips ran my hands up his back underneath his shirt. I could feel my hands leave goosebumps on his skin. "Where's your bedroom?" He asked pulling back from the kiss. I took his one hand in both of mine and walked backwards to my room so that I was still facing him. We shut and locked the door.

When we went downstairs for dinner everyone made an "ooh" sound at the same time. My cheeks turned blood red.

"What?" Dream asked.

"What?" Skeppy mocked. "You two weren't exactly quiet." My blush only deepened.

"Oops," Dream said with a shrug. I noticed that Skeppy and Bad were holding hands.

"Hey what's that about?" I asked pointing to their hands.

"Well, I took your advice and talked to Skeppy," Bad said with a smile.

"And I asked Bad to be my boyfriend," Skeppy smiled at Bad. 

"Aww," I said and hugged both of them. "I'm so happy for you guys."

"I'm not," Quackity said with a sigh.

"Why's that?" I chuckled.

"Because now I'm the seventh wheel," he pouted.

"You already were," I teased.

"No, you were lonely because Dream wasn't here."

"I'm always here," Dream said and pointed to my heart.

"Ew," Quackity teased and I couldn't help but laugh.

It was an accident (a DNF fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now