Chapter 18

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It was finally the last day of the convention. As I got ready in my room that I shared with Dream I noticed that he was pacing back and forth and mumbling to himself. "Dream?" I asked. "Have you gone mad?"

He gave me a little chuckle and shook his head. "No, I just am trying to figure out how I should say 'Hey guys I'm Clay and what do I wear?"

"Wear your dream hoodie, the green one with the smiley face," I said. "And some black jeans with converse."

"And how do I come out and say 'hey I'm clay?'

"I don't think there's a right way to say it, you just have to say it," I said with a shrug. "I promise no matter how you say it Dream everyone is going to be nothing but excited."

With my encouragement he threw on his clothes and kissed me on the cheek. "I'm still so nervous I could puke," he took a deep breath.

"You can do this, I believe in you," I said with a large smile.

The meet and greet went really well, I was getting really tired by the end and I was honestly really hungry  but my adrenaline was pumping knowing how close it was getting to time for Dream to make his appearance. There were only a few people left in line. I smiled and took pictures with them and listened to their stories of how they had come to find the Dream SMP. The last person handed me a hand drawn picture of Dream and my Minecraft characters. "You and Dream have really helped me to be myself. After Dream posted his video going to London I asked out the girl I had a crush on and when she said yes I finally came out to my parents." She said with a huge grin. "Thank you so much."

"No thank you," I told her. I looked at the drawing and it was really cool. Our Minecraft characters had their hands raised and they were touching. She had drawn a heart above the hands and the bottom of the picture read "DNF." "This is really really good," I said and gave her a hug. "Thank you for this and thank you for supporting us and I'm so proud of you for being yourself." I could see tears start to form in her eyes. "Don't cry don't cry we have to take the picture." I gave her the biggest hug and we took the picture.

"Would it be possible if we took another one on my Polaroid?" She asked. "I hang Polaroids up in my room of my favorite memories."

"Of course," I said with a smile. She rummaged through her back pack purse until she found her Polaroid. Her hands were very shaky so I offered to take the picture. "You want this one to be more goofy?" I asked her.

"Yes!" She said excitedly. "Definitely." I stuck my tongue out to the side and squinted my eyes and she made a duck face and closed her eyes.

"Do you want me to sign it?" I asked.

"Yes please," she said and I could tell she was really excited. I took a sharpie that had been given to me and wrote "Georgenotfound" at the bottom of the Polaroid with the date. "Thank you so much George," she said with a smile. "You're amazing."

"You're amazing," I told her and gave her one last hug goodbye.

This was it, this was the moment Dream was going to walk onto the stage and face reveal. The crowd was still packed with people as Quackity started telling jokes.

"In all seriousness," I said when he had finished. "We do have one last surprise for you before the convention ends."

Everyone gasped and someone yelled 'Dream.' To which the fans started screaming. They started to chant "Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream." When Dream came out and walked up to the microphone the crowd got silent to hear what he was going to say.

"Hi everyone, my name is Clay." Everyone immediately started screaming even louder than they had before and aggressively chanting, "Dream." I felt like Dream was Harry Styles or something. I smiled at him proudly. "Oh by the way," he continued. He has asked me beforehand if he could say what he said next. "I'm marrying George tomorrow." If it were even possible the screams got even louder and now they burst into chants of "D.N.F." Dream came over to me and wrapped his arms around me and then the chants turned into "kiss kiss kiss." I tilted my head towards him and he leaned into me and our lips connected. I felt myself blushing as I realized we were kissing in front of all of these people.

Dream had prerecorded a video revealing his face to the subscribers so they would be seeing his face at the same time that he was showing everyone that was here. I had sat behind the camera to support him while he had filmed the video.

"How do you feel?" I whispered to Dream.

"Nervous," he admitted. "I still have to deal with the comments people make online," he said.

"Look Dream," I said pointing to everyone that was cheering for him. "They love you and they love your face." I said and kissed his cheek. "I love your face."

"Well," he smiled. "That's all that matters."

It was an accident (a DNF fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now