Chapter 14

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(QUICK A/N: sorry that there hasn't been any updates for a few days I actually got pretty sick. I still am sick but I am feeling a little better so I'm going to go ahead and update this story)

The day after I arrived we had a panel around noon where fans got to ask us all questions and we would answer them. I decided to wear my "Georgewastaken" hoodie, because I figured the fans would like it and they hadn't seen it yet. I wore it with some black jeans and black converse. I thought it looked pretty cute. When I went downstairs I saw that everyone was already ready and waiting on me.

We rode in the same car to the venue. I was really excited to see all of the fans. When we walked in there was a stage set up with a large desk that had microphones for each of us, name tags and desk chairs at each microphone. We all took our seats and once we were ready the fans started to file in. A lot of them were waving at us and I waved back and smiled widely at them. I felt so nervous but I tried to control my breathing and seem like I was confident. "George, I love your hoodie," someone yelled.

"Thank you," I said into the microphone. "Dream had it made for me." The fans started screaming excitedly and I was really surprised how excited they got at just the mention of Dream.

There was a podium set up where fans would go to answer questions if they were picked. The first fan that went to the podium was a younger girl. "Okay this question is for Quackity," she smiled. Quackity leaned forward so he would be close to the microphone. "What is your favorite ship from the Dream SMP?"

Quackity thought for a minute before answering, "Karlnap of course."

"Let's go," Karl said with a smile. I was only slightly offended but I didn't really care.

"Why Karlnap?" The fan asked.

"They've been together the longest and it's so obvious that Sapnap's had a thing for Karl for the longest."

"What about DNF?" I asked. Again the fans burst into cheers.

"I ship it, I ship it. But I ship Karlnap like 5% more." Quackity chuckled.

"Uh what about Skephalo?" Skeppy asked. The fans cheered for skephalo as well.

"I like Skephalo but you aren't cannon."

"Aren't we though?" Skeppy joked. I honestly always got the impression that Bad liked Skeppy. I wasn't sure if he liked him back or not because he was always joking but I could tell Bad really liked him.

The fans asked questions after question and it was so cool, it was like a live stream but in person. When the last girl came up we were all really tired.

"I just wanted to say that I agree with what Quackity said earlier today about Karlnap being the best. Skephalo and DNF are trash ships because they both try too hard to profit off of their ships. I mean look George is literally wearing DNF merch." She rolled her eyes.

We were all really quiet. I tried really hard not to make everything about my relationship but I thought the hoodie was cute and I thought the fans would enjoy it. I didn't see the harm in it but maybe she was right. I didn't want to let her get to me but I had already worried about having a balance now that we were dating.

"And another thing about DNF, isn't it so embarrassing that their relationship literally only started because George was too stupid to realize he was live? I mean-"

"You need to leave," Karl said. I was surprised that Karl was the one to speak up. "You don't come here and bash George or Dream or Skeppy or Bad or anyone here. Security please take her wrist band."

"Are you kidding? What because I have an opinion that offends you?"

"No it's because-"

"Sit down," I heard Sapnap whisper. "It's not worth it Karl."

"It is worth it," I heard Karl whisper back. "You're not going to make fun of our friends and think that you can get away with it. Any fan of ours wouldn't do that. You're not a real fan. You're the fakest person here and there's so many people who wanted that wrist band you're wearing and they deserve it. Not you who's going to come in here and bash them."

The girl started crying when security cut her wristband. I really didn't feel bad for her. Who did that? Who came to an event and started bashing the people who were at the event?

Later that evening we saw that a video had been posted of Karl yelling at her and it had been cropped to make it seem like he was yelling at her for no reason.

"This is why I told you to sit down." Sapnap said sadly. "I didn't want this to happen to you."

"Nick, I couldn't just sit there while she bashed everyone. I had to say something."

"Well now you have to clear this up." Sapnap said. "You've got yourself into drama for a girl who was only trying to get a rise out of you. You gave her exactly what she wanted."

"So what you're mad at me for standing up for them?" Karl asked, his voice sounding annoyed. I thought maybe I should excuse myself.

"Of course not," Sapnap answered softly. "I'm not mad at you Karl, I'm just upset that you have to deal with this because she wanted to start drama." Karl wrapped his arms around Nick and sort of fell into his arms with a sigh. "We'll figure it out everyone's got your back. Right guys?"

"Yeah, I'll film a video right now." Skeppy said. Bad had gone straight to his room when they came home. "What she said really bothered Bad," he said sadly. "He tries so hard to be wholesome and make everyone like him and this really hurt him. I'm not even mad that she said anything about me, I don't care really, but she hurt Bad and I'm so pissed about that."

"Guys please don't let her know she got under your skin, that's what she wants okay?" Sapnap asked.

"I'm not," Skeppy said. "I'm gonna go talk to Bad," he said and left the room.

"I wish Dream was here," I said with a sigh. "I could really use someone to comfort me."

"She really went in on you," Sapnap said. "Come here do you need a hug?" I nodded and both Karl and Sapnap wrapped their arms around me. I sighed heavily.

"It just bothered me because everything she said was true."

"No it's not George. You're not using your relationship for profit. The hoodie isn't merch it's a special thing between you and Dream. And besides that, you make videos together. Who cares? You guys have fun."

"She was right about that livestream."

"Yeah but look how much good has come from it." Sapnap said. "Karl and I are together, and you and Dream are together." Right when he said that the doorbell rang. "You should get that," he said with a smirk.

"Okay?" I asked in confusion and went to the door. When I opened it Dream was on the other side. "Dream!" I said excitedly.

It was an accident (a DNF fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now