Chapter 5

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The next morning I woke up to a text from Dream.

Dream: hey just a heads up I'm going on love or host today

I felt my heart sink a little. I knew the show was mostly a joke, but I still didn't like the idea of a bunch of girls ogling over Dream.

George: how will that even work? Won't you have to show your face?

I knew they'd likely work around that, but I was trying to come up with a way to talk Dream out of it.

Dream: nah, he said I don't

I sighed heavily and I saw that Dream started typing again.

Dream: are you gonna watch the stream?

I thought about it briefly. I really didn't want to, but I didn't want Dream to think I was jealous or that I wasn't supporting him. He had showed up to my love or host. I don't know why he waited until the day it was happening to tell me about it though.

George: uh sureee

Dream literally responded immediately.

Dream: if you're not comfortable, you don't have to
Dream: that's why I asked bc I don't want you to find out from someone else
Dream: do you not want me to go? I can get out of it

How was I ever going to move on with Dream acting this way? Like he needed my permission to go on a dating show. We weren't dating and as bad as I hated to see it happen, Dream needed to do this for my sake. I wasn't going to tell him that though, of course.

George: you don't need my permission lol

Dream: no, but I would like it :)

Why? I didn't understand. Why was he making things so difficult? I knew I shouldn't be aggravated that he was trying to be considerate of my feelings, but I was because he was making me feel like we were dating.

George: why??

Dream: idk George, I don't wanna hurt you

George: how would you hurt me by going on a dating show?

Dream: because I know how you feel George

I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes.

George: well don't..

Dream: George.. I'm sorry I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable I'm just trying to do the right thing

I sighed again, of course he was. God, Dream was literally perfect. I knew I was being harsh, but I couldn't help but feel like Dream should just know what to do.

Dream: I just don't know what that is..

George: I know, I'm sorry. I think you should go

Dream: why?

Should I tell him the truth? I mean he knew how I felt, he was casually bringing it up, maybe the truth was my best option to clear the air with my best friend.

George: tbh Dream, telling me you want my permission to go on a dating show gives me mixed signals.. I mean why do you want my permission if you don't want me? I get you're trying not to make me uncomfortable but if you don't like me you're going to eventually get a girlfriend.. are you gonna ask my permission abt that too?

My finger lingered over the send button. Should I really send this text. I took a deep breath and quickly pressed it. A few moments later Dream had responded.

Dream: you're totally right.. I didn't even think of that. I'm not trying to send mixed signals. I probably would ask your permission before I got a girlfriend lol. You're my best friend and I'd always put you first.. idk. Is that wrong?

George: of course not Dream.. lol you're handling this way too well..

Dream: I mean there's no reason to beat around the bush abt it, idk I just feel like there shouldn't be any awkwardness in talking about it?

I sighed, imagine if Dream was this perfect as a best friend how amazing he would be as a boyfriend.

George: you're right. Thanks

Dream: so are you okay with me going 🥺

George: yeah

I thought about what he said about being honest and decided to add more.

George: I think it will be good for me tbh, to see you flirting with girls.

Dream: ya know.. you don't have to be in a rush to get over me George

I felt my heart beat speed up. He didn't want me to get over him? If my friend liked me and I didn't reciprocate it I would definitely want them to hurry up and get over it. I would want things to go back to normal. Most people I've met would feel the same way. But Dream didn't want him to?

George: really? Why not?

Dream: idk.. just don't okay? I don't mind :)

I didn't text him back for a while, I just didn't know how to to be honest.

Dream: it's kinda cute :)
Dream: also can I call you before I go on love or host plsss

I smiled at my phone and rolled my eyes.

George: of course, nervous?

Dream: uhhh yeah

A few hours passed and Dream finally called me. "How do I look?" He asked. He had on his mask and was wearing a suit.

"Dream, you're not wearing that," I said and laughed.

"Yes I am," he said and scoffed in fake offense. "Come on, I'm hot right?"

"Not with that mask, can you even see?"

"Nope," he laughed. "I don't know I don't think this is gonna work. I wanted to do it for the memes but.." he trailed off.

"Just point your camera down so that your face can't be seen," I suggested.

"I could," he shrugged. "And I'll have my mask to the side in case anything goes wrong."

"Mhm," I said and smiled at him. "Don't be nervous you'll be fine. They're all gonna love you." I do. I sighed and just looked at him. What if he really did go on here and find a girl that he wanted to start talking to?

It was an accident (a DNF fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now