Chapter Fourteen: This Is Where The Pain Begins

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"Charlotte" i say hugging her. Charlotte was an old friend of mine from about a year ago, same place as i met Demetre actually. She was a tall girl with blonde hair going down nearly to her waist, she had tan skin. I found out she was a vamp on one of my last days, she fund out about me and my family, but she doesn't know about Demetre yet.

After she compeled everyone in the room to forget about that night we started cleaning the 'mess'. "So how did you get here" i said putting the last body away. "My clan heard one of our newbloods call to come to this town, i didn't want to follow the plan but i would of died unless i did. I came with the locals but waited out front, i heard a roar and new it was you. I didn't trust them anyway" she said wipeing her hands of. We walked back to my place afterwards and Demotes family was there.

We opened the front door to have a face full of people. Everyone mainly Demetres family started to squirm at the sense of Charlotte. Demetre and Nikole saw her and ran up to her with a scream. My parents had met her before and knew what she was but was confused on what was going on. Once we caught everyone up to date Charlotte and i went to talk to monique.

The cave was dark but glowing our eyes helped. She was sitting down facing the back wall. "Go away who ever yo-" she sad truing around and spotting Charlotte. Monique ran up to the mountain ash and leaned against it. She started to cry. "Charlotte help me please, what ever it is Aprils saying, she's lying" Mnique said trying to persuade Charlotte to let her out. Charlotte just stood there next to me tears forming in her eyes. They where friends.

Charlotte ran out. I took after her. "Hey charlotte, she did something bad ok, she hurt my friend, lose control." I said softly. She looked up and said "I'm not going in there after what she did to me" she said a confused look spread across my face. She understood "we where kinda a thing for a while but i was getting to distracted with family and all that and couldn't attend pack meeting so, they sent monique to kill, m-my family" she said bursting out in tears. I let her stay out as i walked back in.

" The Locals" I said to Monique as she looked up at me. "The first plan of attack, to weaken those who stand against us" she said not bothering to lie as she was to weak. I laugh slightly and sit down with her. "Whats next?" i ask. She starts to mumble and grasp her stomach in pain. " Whats next?" i say annoyance growing in ym voice. " Th- the-the beginning of the end" she said. "When are they attacking?" i demanded looking her straight in the eyes. She didn't answer. "TELL ME" i roar making her quiver in fear. "Fine if your not gonna tell me, i guess ill just go, and lock u in this cave for good" i say calmer and walking out. "Wait-" i hear slightly.I turn round " can i at least talk to Charlotte" she said weakly i walk out and seconds later Charlotte came in.

"I-I was forced to" Moniue said. " if forced to kill them, or else the would of killed mine, or worse, turned them" she said to her crouched down on the barrier. Monique put her hand up on the barrier and so did Charlotte. "No" charlotte said walking out, monique with a a looked of sadness on her face.

She came out tearing. I went up to her and hugged her, she leaned her head on my shoulder limping on me. I carried her back to the house my arms around her back.

*_- Next day-_*

I woke up to a loud screaching noise. I looked out my window to see Demetre and Charlotte outside down on the grass. We had planned to go for a run, something we hadn't done in a while. I turn over to Nikole still slumped over in bed. "Hey ya coming" i say tapping her shoulder, she shrugs me off so i leave. Already changed i climb through my window and slide down the roof Demetre moving closer to my landing spot. I scream slightly and land in his arms. Charlotte and him laugh my heart racing.

" Well then, lets run" Charlotte said a adrenalin pumping in her voice. I looked at them and changed my eyes. We ran off into the forest. Fast didn't even begin to describe it. We where turbo speed. The wind brushed past my face, the smells of the forest, the feeling of running and being free, the feeling of freedom. I started to lose control of my feet. I couldn't control how fast i was going. I hit a branch and tumbled, flipping and rolling down a hill. Demetre and Charlotte looked down the hill to see a flopped April lying on the ground all twisted and tangled.

We where deep in the forest, still in Willamburra but deep. It was a part i've only barely witnessed. The trees where tall and the animals roamed quietly. "Hunt?" i ask looking at them both, their eyes lit up, grins forming on their faces. 

Demetre and i jump into form, i forgot that Charlotte had never seen us in form. She stood there for a while just staring at us. Then we raced off. The forest was full of deer, rabbits, birds, and wild boar. I got my eyes locked onto a rabbit nibbling at some grass, i lower my self into a crouch, stalking it in the long grass, i can be easily seen but i was quiet and i was fast. The rabbits head popped up form its meal and its ear pointed upwards, it looked to its right. And hopped off into my direction, it  jumped over me. Footsteps, lots, fast. I stood up and ran to my friends. I changed form. "Guys, v-vamps heading this way" i say catching my breathe. We all look at each other and run for it. Not looking back we run fast back to the house.

We get back and my mum and dad are running out to get to us. "Whats happening? Are you alright?" mum said worried and holding me close. "We, where out hunting deep in the forest, there where mum, there coming" i say catching my breathe and kneeling on my knees. "When?" she said worried. "They should be here, tonight" Charlote said knowingly.

We ran inside and got everyone prepared. "Mum what about Cory?" i said, she looked at me and said, "you know what to do". I ran to my room, i looked out and Howled in distress. A type of howl that can only be heard by other wolves mainly in your pack, but to a mate, its like a ear piercing scream.

In seconds Cory was at my aid, I told him what has happened in the forest and we all started preparing. "They where coming form the north- easterly part of the forest" i said pointing into that direction. "They  will go through the clearing" dad said "we will wait there" he said charging off outside.

*_-Later, Third person-_*

They all had gotten to the clearing, a big area clear of trees with only grass and dandelions coming through the ground. Aprils family, Demetres Family, Cory and Charlotte all lined up in a line waiting to battle. It was nerve racking, April felt eveyrones tension as they all heard footsteps approaching.

After a while, red eyes started to glitter in the distance, everyone straightened up getting ready to battle and kill. Bodys started appearing, Charlotte tensioned up and breathed heavily in anger.

They where here. All the vamps, all with fangs at the ready. They charged with screeches, we ran at them eyes changed. Vampires on werewolves, werepanthers and a single vamp. And then the first vampire was hit.

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