Chapter Eleven

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Disturbing scenes.

The kids’ eyes grew in horror when cars and vans went near to the burning farm house. Men holding guns arrived, wearing black suits.

Wah,” Paris sigh. “Khun Miguel and Khun Aiden are really evil. Is Satan their ancestors?”

The five of them are hiding in between the corns, taking a peak to the reaction of men trying to enter the house and find them. Khun Miguel and Khun Aiden also arrived who looks like they are in big problem.

“Find the kids! Take them here!” Khun Miguel ordered his men. “Take the kids here before they manage to escape and find their parents.”

“Let’s go…Follow me,” Mag said in a low voice and with the small flashlight, he manages to see where they are heading.

The rest followed him, walking carefully; not letting the sound of leaves and twigs give the men some clue. They all went straightly, not knowing where they are even going.

Ah!” Caleb shouted that Cynus and Florence grabs him to cover his mouth.

Caleb screams when he saw the scarecrow, thinking that it was a ghost. He breath heavily, mouth is still covered. Paris and Mag looks back, cheking if someone has heard Caleb.

“I thought it’s a ghost…” Caleb told them, feeling sorry. “I was really--- oi!” He shouted again when they heard a warning shot.

“Why are you so noisy?” Cygnus asked in irritation as they all run.

“The kids are here! They are here!”

“Huhuhu sorry.” Caleb apologized while they are running. “If we die then…we will?!” He held Mag’s shoulders and shakes it. “We will?”

“Somehow hahahaha.” Mag began laughing when he saw his younger brother panicking. “Pa Kinn and Pa Porsche will go to the afterlife to scold us so keep running!”

Caleb continues to run that he keeps eating the leaves that has been blocking the way.

Pwe!” He removes the leaf that was stuck to his mouth. “Why are you making me a cow?”


The kids halted, as two men finally catch up to their direction. Guns are pointed towards their direction.


“Stop, look and listen. We’re already not moving. Are you blind?” Mag responded before him and Caleb silently walks in front; covering Cynus, Florence and Paris.

“If you do something bad…you will die.” The man threatened them.

“Phi. You’re literally doing bad things, why are you still alive?” Caleb talked back. “You good or you're high?”

The men don’t have any patience left that they approach the kids. They stop when Mag revealed the gun that they stole.

“Stop moving also or I’ll shoot.” He threatened back but these men laugh at him, making Mag confuse.

“Can you even use a gun, young man?” The man teased and push him away.

"Of course... no. Do you think we can?

The Angels' Solace (VegasPete)Where stories live. Discover now