Chapter Six

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Khun Miguel with his tobacco in his mouth blew the smoke like the gray clouds in the sky that are ready to pour the heavy rain. His eyes were beaming in happiness as if the triumph has fallen into his hands already.

“The storm will come very soon.” He whispered and face his only son- Aiden who didn’t say anything much for nearly half an hour. “Among those kids… I think the ones who likes to talk too much knows something.” He said referring to Paris, Mag and Caleb that were seen holding something and keeps coming back and forth on the room.

Aiden then takes a final look to the copy of the footage. “There are also Venice and Florence who entered the room.”

As for them, the least suspicious were the two brothers. Base from their behavior and how they move, both of them were clueless. Their demeanor was like children that doesn’t care too much on what’s happening and would never involve themselves.

“Take those kids and let them confess about the flash drive,” Khun Miguel said and remove the tobacco from his mouth. “If we don’t get it, we will die.”

Aiden nodded and takes a step back. “What if the kids insisted that they will tell it to their parents?”

Khun Miguel laugh, thinking that it will be hilarious that a bunch of kids will only be the reason of their failure.

He thinks that because him and the rest were older will also mean that he has an advantage. They are just kids in elementary who can be easily tricked.

Knowing that their parents are not doing anything about the flash drive means they know nothing.

“How can they tell it to their parents if their mouths will be covered?” He asked back to his son. “Let them confess and silence them.”

Aiden who was a bit hesitant convince himself not to talk too much and only followed his father’s request.

When he walks out of the room, he remembers something. This man in his early thirties with full of formality, rich and exudes class in his body picks a small a dried petal of rose that he made into a keychain.

It was the petal he had five years ago. A petal that has fallen from the rose tucked behind Pete’s ear.

The petal that was owned by the person whom fell in love at first sight with. Not wanting to have a major flashback, Aiden put it back on his pocket and let the secret admiration he had be unknown. It is bad to fall in love with a married man who have three kids.

Under the same kiosk where children waiting for their parents usually stays, the five kids mainly- Paris, Florence, Mag, Caleb and Cygnus were all waiting as their innocent eyes are looking up. The weather was terrible and no one knows when will these blanket of dark clouds will finally let the rain falls on the Earth.

The classes were dismissed one hour earlier than the normal end of class. Students were advised to go home early due to the threat of a possible typhoon that might hit their place tomorrow or the next day.

Since it was urgent neither of their parents nor bodyguards were informed about it before hand. They still have to wait until the school informs their parents to the change of schedule.

Caleb who squinted his eyes while looking up spoke. “They said that if it is going to rain then the clouds are crying. Maybe he is sad.”

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