|17| Dex's diner

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Warning: Nothing (I don't think)

(it took me two months to write this chapter (because i didn't have time) so I have no idea anymore)


"(y/n) what are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Erm... lying on the floor?"

"Exactly. It's very therapeutic actually." I tell Fives, before reluctantly pulling myself into a seated position. He sits next to be on the soft carpet of my temporary bedroom.

"Can I ask why?" Sure! I just found out that your boss, who I thought was a psychopath, is actually Anakin fucking Skywalker, aka the Chosen One, aka a guy I've looked up to for most of my life, and so I'm lying on the floor trying to decide whether to continue with my plan to murder him or... well I don't actually know what else I would do. I hadn't quite gotten that far.

Yeah, no. That wouldn't go down too well. Instead I say, "I have a migraine. I heard lying down helps ease the pain." A look of worry flashes across Fives' face and after a moment I understand why. "It's not because of what happened earlier. It's just stress. I get them sometimes. Aw Fives. I didn't know you cared."

"Of course I do. You're one of the only people who treats me like I'm a normal human being. If it wasn't for Vader we would have been sent to the streets like the rest of them, but he did what he could. It doesn't stop the others from treating us like inferiors though. Except you." I stare at him in shock for a few minutes, not realizing the impact I have had on his life. "Anyway, do you think you'll be healthy enough to go out tonight?"

"Go out? Where?"

"I don't really know but Rex told me Vader has insisted that we all be ready by six." And this is where my problem lies. If this had happened a couple of nights ago I would be jumping at the chance to go out and maybe get a little information from the clones, stuff that could take Vader down but now I just feel uncertain. Uncertain about what I'll find out. What if Vader is being controlled by someone else? I know of the emperor but I always thought they were in it together but what if he is manipulating Vader. I might just be grasping at straws but I can't believe that the Anakin Skywalker would betray the Jedi, would slaughter the people he had sworn to protect.

"I'm not sure. My migraine is pretty bad."

"I don't really know if we have a choice." Okay, now that sounds like Vader; not giving people the choice to decide what they want to do. Everyone has to follow his lead.

"I'll take my chances."

"One day you're going to get yourself killed." I don't doubt it.


Less than an hour later, the door to my room slams open. Assuming it's one of the clones I shout, "Hey! I could have been getting changed." When there's no reply I climb off my bed, from where I was laid face down on top of the covers, and walk towards the door, but it's not Rex or Fives standing in the doorway.

"Well it's a good job that you're not then, isn't it?"

"It is." I wait for him to continue with what he burst in here to tell me, hoping he'll hurry up because I want to go back to my bed and continue the crisis going on in my head.

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