Chapter One: Dilemma

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"No" I closed the folder and pushed it away from me. It was strangely fascinating to see once self-confident entrepreneur's turn into fish with just one word. Each member opened and closed their mouths trying to utter a word but I had already closed the folder and everyone knew, from previous experience, that when I said no- I meant it.

The beep of the alarm signalled the end of this discussion so without any protests I stood from my chair and walked out of the meeting-room.  "Judging by their gobsmacked faces I'm guessing you rejected the plan?" Davison, my secretary asked.

I nodded as I started signing paperwork, that Davison handed me, one after the other as we made our way to the lift. "Very astute of you, were there any messages for me?" I quickly added so he wouldn't ask me what happened. When I reject a proposal I rarely talk about it again- including to the media who seemingly wedge themselves into every issue.

"Three, sir," he pressed the 'call' button for the lift and when it arrived we stepped inside to head to the top floor. "One from Joseph Parks, from Parks designs, who wishes to schedule a meeting for you to approve of his new outline of brief."  I rubbed my forehead at the mention of his name.

"I have no patience to sit in the room with that man and talk about offers I will only reject- get someone on the lower floors to meet with him and take notes." Davison nodded, jotting down my points on his IPad before mentioning another money-grabbing leech from another business who I told Davison to handle with in the same manner as Parks Designs.

When the lift stopped the doors opened to reveal my pride and joy. My office sat looking as pristine as I had left it. Light flooded through the wall panelled windows which stretched around the room. I had to admit the only downfall with my office was that if you had a hangover it was a kick to the ball-sack.

"And the third caller?" I asked whilst un-buttoning my suit blazer so I could sit comfortably behind my mahogany desk.

"Your sister, sir" I leant back in my chair with a groan. What excuse was I going to use this time? Not that I didn't love my family- they were decent but there comes a time when you are simply too busy to meet up with them on every holiday; especially if you're running a business.

"She seemed very determined to speak to you, if that changes anything?"

I looked at Davison who stood in front of my desk with his IPad clutched in his hand. Davison has been by my side since the first day and whenever I have tried to promote him to executive designer he kindly refuses and states that he much prefers his current position. After all this time, now that I think about it, I don't know a lot about him. I know that he's divorced and has a daughter who is around the twenty-marking yet not much more than that.

"She's a Worthington, Davison, we're all determined when we want something." He smiled lightly making his face look older. Everyone who worked here was expected to work at a high standard which means no social life- or any life in general. Due to the 'fresh new outlook' on every aspect of men's fashion we are on par with 'Men'sHealth' and 'GQ' magazines.

"Determination leads to success; I shall tell Miss Worthington that you're working on a very important new project which you need to devote 100% of your time to."

"Wait, she's on the line?" I asked curiously and he slowly nodded. "As I said sir, determined." With a roll of my eyes I ushered him out and I picked up the phone. "Emily" I greeted with fake enthusiasm.

"Luke! Do you know how long I have been on hold, you bastard?" My darling sister yelled, since she knew how much I loved that.

"Sorry I was in a meeting, how can I help you?" I asked, trying to move this along as I sorted out my desk- knowing I was going to receive a lecture about how much of a heartless older brother I was for not calling or visiting. "I'm getting married!" was what it took for me to freeze.

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