Chapter 2

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In the teashop not so far away from the previous river, you and the three others men on the table far in the corner. Kunikida and Dazai sit side by side; on the opposite side there are you and Atsushi who gratefully stuffing his mouth with foods in front of him.

You just rested your head on your palm and right elbow on the table while watching him devoured his 17th bowl of chazuke not showing a sign to stop. Your eye twitched in annoyance. 'Osamu is lucky I have money to spare.'

You felt the urge to slam your head again the table but you also want to get Dazai back.

"Atsushi" You grabbed a napkin and wiped the rice that landed beside his mouth. "Eat slowly, or you're gonna choked to death brat, though I wouldn't mind" you mumbled the last part.

You raised an eyebrow at the flustered boy next to you, oblivious with the glares from the two males in front of you to Atsushi. 'Why is his face so red?'

"T-thank you, Y/n-san" He stuttered. Kunikida cleared his throat, catching both Dazai's and your attention. "Hey Y/n, Dazai. Hurry up and get back to work."

"What kind of idiot would suddenly go what a
nice river' and dive right in the middle of the work." He paused for a while, "And you too,
Y/n! How can you vanished from my side and
leave me alone!" The blonde haired continue to
scolds his two colleagues, showing that these
things has happened before.

"See what you two have done? We're way behind schedule, thanks to you two!"

"Eh?! I was looking for that idiot!" You angry pointed at the brown haired male with a scowl.

"Kunikida-kun sure loves his notebook a lot"
Dazai said while resting his head on his hands, ignoring your outburst.

"This is not a notebook! It's my aspiration, the
compass of my life!" Kunikida slammed his
notebook on the table and shouted angrily at
Dazai. The people at the teashop just stare at
them, weirded out about the sudden outburst.

"And there's no having a suicidal freak as my
colleague in here" He continue.

You being bored decided to mess with the male, "So mean Doppo I'm not in there?" You said while looking down, acting as you're hurt by the four-eyes male's words just now.

"I- that's not w- what i mean! I- i mean i'm not-" He start to panicking and stuttering a lot before you cut him off.

"I'm kidding, idiot" you smirked and chuckled

"Kunikida-kun, you should see your face just
now." Dazai started to teasing him more.

"Shut up!" Kunikida grumbled while sitting
back down, trying to hide his flustered face
from your teasing.

"mmf-fu fmmg?" Atsushi said in language nor
you neither Dazai understand, but surprisingly
the blonde haired can understand and answer

"Shut up! There's no 'follow Y/n to treating some brat to chazuke' on the page of my planned expenses either."

"mmf prugh?"

"Like i said, it's work! Y/n, Dazai and I are trying to drive out a wild beast under the request of the military police!" Kunikida shouted in annoyance.

You deadpanned at the two of them, not understanding the conversation they have. 'What the fuck is even going on?'

"Are the two of you really having a conversation?" Dazai asked, clearly having the
same page as you.

"Ahh, I'm full! I can go without chazuke for the
next decade!" Atsushi happily rubbing his
bloated stomach. You growled "consider yourself lucky brat" you glared at him making him let out a small 'eep!'

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