Chapter 1

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You, annoyed just stared at the grey haired boy who just saved the drowning male, your eye twitched. The boy gasped for air due to the lack of oxygen for he just helps the drowning man and have to struggle to bring them back to the surface. 'Why did he have to save him?'

The brunette male then opened his eyes and
slowly wake up from his 'death' and looking
around; confused whether he in afterlife or not.
The grey haired haired boy jumped from the
brunette male's action.

"Y- you fell into the river. Are you all right?"
The boy asked, concerned about the male well

"I was rescued huh? tch." The bandage man
clicked his tongue.

'Did this guy just 'tch' me?!' The boy thought.

"Was it you who interrupted my submersion?"
The brunette male ask, annoyed.

"What do you mean interrupted? I saved you!"
Shouted the boy irritated by the male words.

Then something clicked in his mind. "Wait,

"Yes, submersion. You dont know?" The male
said before continuing "I was trying to commit suicide, but you had to get in the way" He said rubbing the back of his head.

"I- is that so?" The boy sweatdropped. 'Eh? So now you're blaming me?'

The brunette male stands up from his previous
position and said "Whatever. I tend to commit
suicide neatly without getting trouble, but i
ended up causing you trouble. So, im sorry"

"Osamu" A voice called out. The said man turning his head towards the voice. There you stood wearing black pants that are tucked into a black button up shirt with a belt and a black jacket around your shoulders, black boots that are ankle high, you have black marks on your face and slits under your eyes, you had (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes and (s/c) skin.

"You're still alive?" You groaned out.

"Eh? I'm sorry Y/n-channn I'll try harder next time but it's his fault he saved me!" He said and pointed to the gray haired male who sweat dropped "s-sorry?"

You walked towards them, a scowl on your face you then smacked Dazai on the back of the head making him pout and whine "you dumbass your wasting this guys time also mine and you."

Atsushi yelped in fear when you pointed at him "why did you have to save him?" You growled out. Atsushi stuttered for a bit trying to come up with an answer until we all heard a growl.

You deadpanned as your eye twitched "are you starving or something?"

"T- to be honest, i haven't eaten anything in several days"

You opened your mouth to reply before getting
interrupted by another growl from the other
side. You then shift your attention to the brown
haired male behind you. The male just smile
sheepishly while scratching his left cheek in

"Neither have i, and my wallet got washed away
by the river"

"Of course it did" you rub your face with your hands then see Dazai giving you puppy eyes making you confused "why are you making that face?"

He says nothing and keeping's making that face "stop doing that" he still doesn't say anything, he then scoots closer to you, making you back up "For the love of!- fine! I'll pay for the stupid food!"

Dazai stops making the face much to your relief "Yay thanks Y/n-chan!" He then turns to the white haired male "my partner here will be treating you to some food!"

Atsushi smiles happily and looks at your with excitement "Thank you!" He bows, you look at him as your face goes soft for a second before immediately going back to a scowl you tch and look away "whatever brat"

"Hey, so this is where you have been fooling
around, idiot!" The dirty blonde haired male
said from across the river between them.

"So you finally caught up huh?" You said with a smirk and waves your right hand while the other hand beside is your mouth to make your voice louder for him to hear. The four eyes' face reddened from your action.

"Oh, Kunikida-kun! Thanks for your hard
work!" The brunette doing the same thing as you to the guy named 'Kunikida' a Irked mark
appears on Kunikida's forehead.

"It's your fault that my work is so hard, you
suicide freak! Just how badly do you want to
ruin my plans-" His rambling just fall to the
deaf ears. You turned around and pointed to the gray haired male again making him flinch.

"You, what's your name?" You asked, keep ignoring the furious man that shouting his heart content to his ignorant colleague. The brunette also turned his attention to the grey haired boy.

"Na- nakajima atsushi" Reply the boy. You clicked your tongue in respond and said "Lets go, Atsushi I don't have all day hurry up and tell me what you want to eat" You scowled, frightening the male as you started to walk away, followed by the two men behind you.

"Oi, are you guys ignoring me!" Kunikida yelled
and yep they pay no attention to him.

"Scary...Erm, if i can... I want... to eat chazuke" Atsushi rubbing his neck while looking down, assume the his request is too much to ask. You paused your walk for a second then turn around and smirked.

"HAHAHA, a kid dying of hunger wants to eat
chakuze of all the things!" You wiped your tears that coming out from her eyes. The brunette male also laughed.

"No problem at all! Y/n-chan will treat you to 30 bowls, right Y/n?"

"Eh? Hell no-"

Dazai than starting making that face again 'oh no not that creepy face' he then start shuffling on over making you throw something at his face "fine! Stop making that ugly face!"

"Dont ignore me and just walk away, Y/n, Dazai!" The blonde haired male continue yelling.

"Y/n? Dazai?" Atsushi repeated the two names.

"Ahh, that's our name" Dazai spoke.

"I'm Ryoumen Y/n" you introduced yourself first with a smirk. "And im Dazai Osamu" You and Dazai said side by side, looking back at Atsushi. Your hairs get blown a little by air as so does your jacket and the sun shine on your faces making y'all's expression look so soft.

Atsushi just stared at them in awe, thinking maybe a goddess just came and helped him in the
tough situation like now.

"Alright, let's go I would like to get some things done today" you crossed your arms with a scowl and start to walk in front of them

'cute..' the boys thought

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