Chapter 5

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After a few minutes calming down, Atsushi get
out from the hiding spot. "S--s-stop!"

The orange haired male stared at the grey
haired boy.

"Wh-- wh- what could you possibly accomplish?" The boy stammered, "I- i bet this would make your parents sad!" He continued.

"Who the hell are you?!" The male on the desk
jerked him.

Atsushi falls on his butt, "Sorry!" He said while
shivered in fear.

"You're not with the agency" The male said.

"A- as you can tell, I'm just a newspaper delivery
boy who happen to pass by!" The boy stuttered.

"And what's a delivery boy got to do with any of
this?" He asked again, holding the remote up in
the air.

Atsushi gets up from the floor, "No matter how
much you might hate them, you shouldn't take
hostages or blow up bombs" He said, fighting
his fear,"I'm sure there's something to live for"

"What's something to live for?!" He continue to
urging him.



"C-chazuke! You can eat a lot of chazuke!" He
shouted on top of his lungs at the puzzled male.

You laughed quietly behind the bushes.

"Y/n-chan, don't laugh, shhh" Dazai whispered, even though he also want to burst right there.

You just silently wheezed and whispered "what is up with this brat?"

Atsushi then continued. "You can sleep
somewhere with a roof over your head! When
you go to sleep at night, you can wake up to a
new day! And everyday is a new day!" He
paused for a second.

"But.. If you blow up, neither you nor I will see another new day..because we'll dead"

"I know that!" The male yelled


"But.. I think you should reconsider.. I mean, if
you die. You're really dead" Atsushi face held a
scary look behind his hand. The bomber
sweatdropped, "I'm sure you might wish you
were dead sometimes, but there are people who
keep on living, even if they going's tough"

"Oh, people like me! I have no family and no
friends. I even got chased out of an orphanage
and I have nowhere to go, and no hope for the
future" He continue to rambling.

'Besides, I even turn into a tiger'

"Yeah, that's right! It's true that, like you say, I
lack redeeming qualities, and everyone'd agree
that I'm those scum of society" The shifter tiger
still continue to blabbering,

"But i still manage keep on living without going all complaint about it!" He still continue though.

"Good job, Atsushi-kun" Dazai praised quietly,
"You have acting like a worthless human being
down to an art form"

"So, why don't you toss that bomb aside" He
said, walking closer to the bomber, "And we can
look for jobs together? Okay?!" He shouted.

"N- no, im not exactly looking for one" The bomber said, held the remote high above his

Taking the opportunity, you shouted, "Now, Doppo!"

"I know" Kunikida said while writing something
on his notebook and teared it.

"Ability; Doppo Poet : Wire gun!" Kunikida chanted before a green light began to shine around the page that have been tears apart and a wire gun appeared on his hand.

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