Chapter 4

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You and Atsushi stand in front of Dazai who are
in some kind of barrel. Atsushi's right eye
twitched in annoyance while you stared blankly.

"Hey! You finally come!" Dazai spoke happily
that his suffering will end soon, "Might be
sudden but help me out of here.."

"Eh? What's that?" Atsushi asked.

"What do you think this is?" Dazai asked back.

"Morning hallucinations?"

"Wrong!" He said.

You just watched them having a 'nice' conversation while crossing your arms.

"I heard of this suicide technique, so I immediately wanted to try it out.. But i'm not dying at all. It just freaking hurts" He stated more.

"I told him to not do it, but he's so stubborn and
still wanted to try it out." You rubbed your temple irritatedly,

"Serve him right" You shrugged.

"So mean Y/n-chan!" He whined. You just flipped him off. The boy sweatdropped at the two of you.

"O- okay.. But this is considered suicide, right?
Why not just keep going?" The grey haired boy
asked, clueless about the situation.

" I like to commit suicide, but I dont like pain or suffering." Dazai said as he gradually fall little by little inside the barrel.

"Why don't Y/n-san help you getting out of here?" Atsushi asked again.

"You see brat, i rather not since Osamu is annoying and I don't feel like it." You answer for him, a hint of sarcasm inside your sentence.

"Y/n-chan, stop insulting me! I'm hurt you know" Dazai whined again. You just rolled your eyes.

"I see" Atsushi then helped dazai get out of the
barrel by knocking it on the ground.

"Ah, what's a relief.." Dazai muttered in satisfaction.

"Did you guys asked your other colleagues to
save him?" Atsushi spoke.

"I did, but you know what they tell me when i
say, 'Osamu is about to die?' and i am asking
for help?" You asked.

"'He should just die, then'" He guessed or more
like he knew exactly what they will say.

"Right on the mark" You put your hands in your pockets.

Dazai stretched his body in relief, and thanked
Atsushi. You three then started to walk away
from that place. You walked in the middle while
dazai on your left and Atsushi on your right.

"By the way, where are we going today?" The
boy asked

"Oh, we're thinking about give you a job" You

"Really?" He asked, utterly shock about how
much you help him even just know him yesterday.

"There'll be a test though"

"A test?"

"Brat, can you write?"

"I do know how to read and write"

"Then you'll be fine" You and Atsushi talk to
each other.

"When we happen to know a mediator for that,
we first go to the office" Dazai spoke. He then
place his right hand on his chest and other one
behind his back. "Leave it to us! My name is
Dazai, and this partner of mine, Y/n-chan. The
person who basks in the company's trust and
the reverence of the people!"

You just chuckled a bit.

"There you are!" A voice suddenly interrupted
them. "You bandage-wasting device!" The
blonde male shouted not so far away from

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