Chapter 4

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Sandy's POV

After school came faster then I thought. Am so glad I ended up in this school. Everything has been good except for two things. One being Rizzo has been being mean and making fun of me and two being Danny has been acting different. He has been being ruder and meaner. That's not how he was during the summer. We had a good time together. Maybe he has a rep and that's why he's acting like that. He's also the leader of the T-Birds and there all tough so that's probably it. I just wish he could be a little nicer to me. I sighed then decided to go to Frosty's Place. Rizzo and the rest of the Pink Ladies dropped me off over there then left. My only best friend in the Pink Ladies is Frenchy. She has been then kindest person I've ever met when I went to this school. I really would like to make new friends to though. I found a table and sat down. I ordered a strawberry milkshake and waited for my order.

Danny's POV

I can't believe it's already the end of the school day. I can't stop thinking about Sandy. I know I've been treating her poorly but I just don't want people making fun of me for dating a girl like her. And I don't know why am letting people get to be like that. I went on my motorcycle and drove to Frosty's Place. I walked in and found an empty table and sat down. I decided to order a chocolate milkshake and I waited for my drink. I looked around and saw Sandy sitting alone then I quickly looked back at my table hoping she didn't see me.

Amber's POV

School went by pretty fast. I got on the bus. I was still thinking about what happened at lunch. I wasn't expecting that to happen. I got off the bus soon after. I was walking slowly down the sidewalk. I saw a beat up trunk pass by me and stop at the corner in front of me. I saw them get out and I realized that it was Kyle's trunk. I tried to think of something but I couldn't. I couldn't really run sense I got beat up earlier today so I think it's best I just stay where am at cause they'd just catch right up to me anyway.  I watched them get closer and closer. Each step they took made be even more scared. I saw all of them were grinning at me. "Get on your knees!" Kyle yelled at he got close enough. I decided to listen to him and I got down on my knees. "Good girl" he said. I felt someone get ahold of both of my arms and held them behind my back. Kyle put down my hood then slapped me across my face a few times. He smirked then forced me to look at him. "So your friends with Ryder Red then?" Kyle asked. "How do you know his name?" I asked. "He's in one of my classes" said Kyle. "Oh" I said. "So are you guys friends?" Kyle asked again. "I....I don't know" I said. "Oh well you guys should be friends. At least then you'll have your first friend considering you don't have any" said Kyle. I tried getting out of his person's grip but couldn't. Kyle punched me in the stomach really hard after I stopped. "Stop moving!" Kyle yelled. "Fine!" I yelled back. He got out his blade and made a deep cut on my left arm. It wasn't very big but dang did it hurt a lot. I started to shed some tears. That caused me to get hurt even more. Kyle snapped his fingers then the two remaining gang members start kicking at my sides and one of them put a blade on my cut and made it bigger. I couldn't help to scream and cry. I already get beat up at home and I also get beat up at school and when am walking home. One of the gang members put a handkerchief over my mouth then started beating me up harder. This is the first time they've beaten me up this hard and this much. I felt like I was going to die. After awhile Kyle told them to stop. My vision started going in and out. I felt two arms under my stomach. It felt like every part of me was hurting. I hope no bones were broken. "Keep it up and next time am kidnapping you" said Kyle. He kissed my cheek then picked me up and held me in his arms. A few seconds later I blacked out. It felt like internally when I woke up. I noticed I was laying on the ground. I slowly got up. I walked slower then usual getting home. I looked at my watch and I realized that I was passed out for 30 minutes. Great now am going to get beat up a lot more. I took a deep breath then walked in my house and put my stuff upstairs then went down to the basement ready for what was going to happen next. I knew he dad was gonna start yelling at me for being home later. I explained that my bully and his gang beat me up and my dad laughed and told me my bully did the right thing. I should've known he was gonna say that. He then started beating me up. He beat me up for an hour instead of 30 minutes sense I was late then I slowly but surely walked upstairs to my room and slammed the door shut and locked it and laid on my bed.

Kyle's POV

Am glad I got the chance to beat Amber up before she got home. I enjoyed it but now am realizing that maybe we did it a little to long and maybe to long. I decided to kiss her cheek then pick her up and held her in my arms knowing that she'd probably black out. Once she did I laid her on the ground carefully and kissed her other cheek. I got in the car and drove around for awhile. I dropped my gang off somewhere then drove to my house and put my stuff away then decided to walk near Frosty's Place. I passed the doors then ran into someone on accident. "Hey watch it!" the person yelled. "Sorry but watch were your going next time!" I yelled. "How about you watch where your going" the person said. I looked at the person and glared at him then I realized that it was Danny Zuko. Out of all people I had to ran into him. "Great I ran into the popular gang leader of the T-Birds,Danny Zuko. How nice is that" I said sarcastically. "And who might you be?" Danny asked madly. "Am Kyle Fox" I said. "I've never heard of you before but let's just forget this ever happened" said Danny. "I'll try" I said angrily. "Good" Danny said angrily. He was about to walk away when I grabbed him. I just remembered that Amber is scared of him. "Don't touch me!" Danny shouted. "Believe me I don't want to but I wanted to tell you something. Somebody I know doesn't like you and I was wondering if you could find her and talk to her" I said. "What's her name?" Danny asked. "Her name is Amber Young. You probably haven't heard of her cause she has no friends. Her and Ryder Red have met before so if you want to go find out who she is,go ask him" I said. Danny nodded then walked away. I didn't want to tell him that she's actually scared of him. This should be good. I hope he listens to me.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! Sorry if it's too long! I hope you have a good day!

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