Chapter 8

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Amber's POV

Today's Thursday September 29th. I bought a new leather jacket the day before so I could still have my hood up in school. I sat alone at a lunchtable. I was waiting for Ryder. A few minutes later he sat next to me. "Hey Amber" said Ryder. "Hi Ryder" I said. "You should invite your other friends to sit with us" said Ryder. "Am not inviting them to. If they want to then they can" I said. I looked down while eating. When I looked up,I saw the Pink Ladies and T-Birds sitting in front of us. I looked at Ryder and he was looking at them. I finished eating quickly. Then started to leave the room but Danny grabbed me and sat me next to him. "Don't touch me!" I shouted. "Amber shut up. Let's just have a talk" Danny said. "I have nothing to say to you! You didn't have to treat me like that yesterday!" I shouted. I looked around and saw Kyle smirking at me. I got out of Danny's grip then started leaving the lunch room. I felt someone throw something at me. I started running until I got to the bleachers. I sat down and started crying.

Danny's POV

I guess I made a big mistake yesterday. I guess I shouldn't have hurt Amber or forced her to do something. I think she hates me but is also scared of me. I saw Kyle throw something at her. I walked over to him and punched him in the face. I saw Sandy get up and run after Amber. I left the lunchroom and someone grabbed me and turn me around. Of course it was Kyle. "Oh hey Danny. Nice to see ya" said Kyle. "You better start leaving Amber alone" I said threatenly. I saw his face turn into a frown. "To bad I have plans for Amber. You'll never see them coming either" said Kyle. "We'll see about that" I said. He pinned me to the wall. "I hope you remembered what I said about Amber not liking you" said Kyle. "Actually she was scared and am sure I made her scarier. She didn't say she didn't like me" I said. "Am glad you made it worse. Now if you ever hurt me again I'll beat you up" said Kyle getting off of me. I saw him go back to his lunchtable. I ran over to the bleachers to see Sandy talking to Amber. I stood by the stairs and waited for them to stop talking.

Sandy's POV

After Amber ran out of the lunchroom,I ran after her. I saw her crying on the bleachers and I decided to comfort her. "Hey you okay Amber?" I asked. "Not really" said Amber. "Can you tell me what's wrong?" Sandy asked. "Well I've been getting bullied,beat up,threatened,and so much more..Am mad at Danny and am more scared of him for what he did yesterday and to top it all off Kyle just threw something at me. My life keeps getting worse" said Amber. "Am sorry Danny treated you like that yesterday. You didn't deserve it. I know am not going through what your going through but am new to this school and Danny hasn't been treating me right either. He has a rep he's trying to keep. He's a gang leader. Let me tell you,I met him in the summer and he treated me a lot better than how he's treating me now. I guess he isn't used to dating good girls like me" I said. "Am sorry to hear that Sandy. I knew you were a new pink lady because I knew all the Pink Ladies before you. I didn't you were actually new. I hope your liking this school and welcome to Los Angeles even though am late on saying it" said Amber. "Thanks Amber. Am sorry for what your going through at home. Please do me a favor and try to forgive Danny. I know what he did was wrong but everyone makes mistakes and you know that" I said. "Okay I'll try" said Amber. I smiled at her then hugged her. "I love your new leather jacket by the way" I said. "Thanks so much" said Amber smiling. I nodded then walked away. I saw Danny then kissed him and walked back inside and sat down.

Danny's POV

After Sandy left,I walked over to Amber and sat next to her. "Amber am sorry about yesterday. I wasn't thinking that things would get that far. I was partly mad and partly worried at the same time. After I realized that you were getting abused I regretted everything. I know it might be hard but can you forgive me?" I asked. I heard her sigh. "I forgive you" said Amber. "Am glad to hear that. I don't mind being friends with you. Am glad I met you yesterday. I was hoping I'd met you. Especially after what Kyle said. I wanted to find out if he was telling your truth or not. I guess he wasn't. I didn't mean to make you more scared of me either" I said. "Am just glad I made new friends. I've never had any friends before Ryder. I've always wanted to meet you guys. Am glad you guys became my friends after him. Don't tell Rizzo but I've always wanted to be a Pink Lady. I was always to shy to ask so I never did. The reason why I didn't show you what I looked like at first was because I was getting abused and bullied. I didn't want you guys to see me hurt" said Amber. "I won't tell her and I get why you didn't want us to know" I said. Amber smiled then left the bleachers. I left a few minutes later and headed back to my gang.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! Have a good day!

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