Chapter 16

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Amber's POV

Today's Saturday October 8th. I found out that Danny met my dad. I wasn't expecting that. I wish they didn't met. Am just glad my dad didn't hurt him. Rizzo apologized to me yesterday. Am so glad she did. Am with my friends right now. We all decided to go to go to the park today. Am so glad we went to. After that,we went to the park. I sat on the sidewalk looking at the ground thinking. Lately I've been wondering why I got chosen to be friends with The T-Birds and Pink Ladies. I had that thought when I first met them to. I don't know why am starting to get them again. Someone sat next to me. I looked at the person and I realized that it was Danny. Me and Danny have grown closer lately. Well after Wednesday that is. Not in a weird way. I was thinking more of a friendship way. "Hi Amber. Are you okay?" Danny asked. "Am fine" I said. "I know when your lying to me" said Danny. I sighed. "Am having these thoughts" I said. "About what?" Danny asked. "About why you guys have chosen me to be your guys friend. I had them when I first met you guys to. I don't know why am getting them again" I said. "Amber,your a tough and nice girl. Your different but in a good way. We've been waiting to make a new friend for awhile. Then we met you. Your everything we could ever ask for" said Danny. "Yeah well,I mean,Kenickie meant me first and he decided to beat me up" I said. "Yeah am sorry about that" said Danny. "It's okay" I said. Danny hugged me. Just then I heard the sound of a car. I looked up to see that it was my dad's car. He stopped the car and got out. I stood up quickly and walked over to him. I felt everyone's glaze on me. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I just came to see my daughter" dad said. "Just leave me alone dad!" I yelled. "How about you come to my house" dad said. "There's no way am going back there" I said. "You know,I could always hurt your friends" dad said. "I won't let you touch them" I said. "You can't stop me" dad said. "Oh yes I can" I said. Dad got out his blade and tried to stab me but I  backed up. He then tried to punch me but I grabbed his fist then punched him in the face. Dad got a hold of me. He pushed me to the ground and started beating me up. I wish my friends weren't here so they wouldn't have to watch. I looked at Danny and he was talking to someone on the phone. I hope he was calling the police. After he got off the phone,he ran over and punched my dad off me. "I told you I'd call the cops if you beat her up!" Danny yelled. I was thankful that Danny called the cops.  Sandy helped me up. The boys ran over to my dad and started beating him up. All the girls just stayed behind. About 10 minutes later the police came. The guys stopped beating my dad up then the cops arrested my dad. I looked at the guys. "Thanks for helping guys" I said. They nodded. I walked over to Danny and hugged him. "Thanks for calling the cops" I said. "No problem. I warned him but I guess he didn't care" said Danny. I smiled. I felt someone grab me and made me face him. I realized that it was no other then Kyle. I tried pulling away but he tightened his grip on me. "Am not here to beat you up. Am here to tell you something" said Kyle. "Well get on with it" I said. "The reason I've been beating you up is because I like you. I've been wanting to get closer to you" said Kyle. What I just heard shocked me. I never knew he actually liked me. "Well I don't feel the same way" I said. "But you well. Your gonna be in a forced relationship sense you don't want me" said Kyle. "No am not. You can't control my life" I said. "I can now" said Kyle. "Get your hands off her!" someone yelled. I felt someone push him off me. Kyle glared at the person then left. I looked at the person and realized that it was Ryder. I smiled at him. "Thanks for the save" I said. "I'd do anything to protect my girl" said Ryder. "Wait what?" I asked. "Amber,I've liked you for awhile now. I just was too scared to tell you. Now that you know,well you be my girlfriend?" Ryder asked. "Ryder,I've liked you for awhile. Of course I'll be your girlfriend" I said.  Ryder smiles then kissed me. I heard my friends cheering as we kissed. I pulled away. My mom just showed up. I looked around. That's when I realized something. I got everything I need right here. Amazing friends who'd be willing to protect me,my boyfriend who's the man of my dreams,and an amazing and caring mom. This is the life I've always wanted. Being away from my dad was the best feeling ever. But now,I realized that this was the best feeling ever. Being around the people I love really feels good. I looked back at Ryder and kissed him hard.


Hey guys! Amber Young here. I hope you liked this story. I guess you know about my crazy life in California. I meant some amazing friends and I good boyfriend. My mom is also the best mom in the world. I got everything I need now. Am sure the future is gonna be amazing.

Hey guys! I hope you liked the last chapter! I've been having a hard time coming up with chapters so I thought that this should be the last chapter. I hope this chapter was still good though. I hope you liked my first Grease 1 fanfic! I hope you have a good day!

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