Chapter 9

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Amber's POV

Today's Saturday October 1st. I was at my mom's house right now. Am so glad am not at dad's house anymore. Am glad mom found out what dad was doing to me. I don't have to live with that monster anymore. "Hey Amber,why don't you go hang out with those friends I met the other day" mom said. "I think I'd rather stay here" I said. "Did they hurt you or something?" mom asked.
"No" I said. "Then go hang out with them" mom said. "I don't know where they live" I said. "Well am sure you can figure it out" mom said. "Why do you want me to see them anyway?" I asked. "Cause you need to get outta the house more and socializing is important" mom said. "I don't know if they wanna see me though" I said. "It's worth a shot. Just be back here by 4pm" mom said. "Fine" I said. "Thank you" mom said. I sighed then left the house. It was 9am right now. I have 7 hours until I need to be home. I saw Sandy outside a house. It's probably her house. I walked over to her. "Hey Sandy" I said. She looked at me. "Oh hey Amber. What are you doing here?" Sandy asked. "I live next door to you" I said. "Oh that's cool" said Sandy. "Yeah. I didn't know you lived here" I said. "I didn't know you lived here either" said Sandy. "Well am glad you live next door" I said. "Yeah. Hey,I know I already said this but am so sorry for what happened with Danny. You didn't deserve that to happen to you" said Sandy. "It's fine really. We already made up" I said. "I know but I still feel like your mad" said Sandy. "Am fine,really" I said. "Okay. I might just set up a time where you guys can be alone" said Sandy. "Wait no,don't do that. Besides,I don't you getting jealous" I said. "I won't get jealous and I think this is a better way for you two to get to know each other better" said Sandy. "Sandy please don't do this" I said. "I'll think about it. Until then,why don't you come to Frosty's Place with me. Me and the girls are going there" said Sandy "I don't if that's the best idea" I said. "Sure it is. Let's just go" said Sandy. "Fine" I said. "Yay!" Sandy said cheerfully. Frenchy picked us up then we headed to Frosty's Place. When we got there,we went inside and the other girls were already there. I sat down next to Marty and Sandy sat down next to me. "Hey guys!" Sandy said. "Hi" said Jan. "Hi Sandy" said Marty. I saw Rizzo roll her eyes. "Nice for you guys to show up" said Rizzo. "Rizzo,you don't have to be so mean" I said. "I can treat people however I want" said Rizzo. "She's our friend" said Frenchy. "I don't care" said Rizzo. "What did I do to make you hate me?" Sandy asked. "It doesn't matter" said Rizzo. "Rizzo,whatever I did wrong am sorry" said Sandy. "Whatever" said Rizzo. A waiter came over and asked us what we wanted. Jan and Marty wanted a chocolate milkshake. Rizzo wanted a vanilla milkshake. Me and Sandy got a strawberry milkshake. I really hope Rizzo starts treating Sandy better.

Kenickie's POV

Me and my friends decided to go to Frosty's Place. When we got there,the Pink Ladies were there. I walked over to Rizzo. "Hey Riz. It's nice seeing you here" I said. Rizzo looked at me. "Hi Kenickie" said Rizzo. She kissed him and I kissed her back. I looked at Amber and she was staring at the other T-Birds. I have a feeling she didn't want to see us here. She looked at me then quickly looked away. I wonder what that was about. "Hey ladies. Hi Amber" I said. "Hi" Amber said quietly. "Oh great,are you scared of me now?" I asked. Danny and the rest of the gang walked over. "Just shut up Kenickie!" Amber shouted. She got up and left the diner. I guess she's not that tough. "Remind me again why were friends with her?" I asked. "Shut up" said Danny. "At least I don't treat my girlfriend poorly" I said. Danny glared at me. He left the diner after that. What is his problem now? What did I say? Whatever though. Am not gonna deal with him right now.

Hey guys? I hope you liked this chapter! I hope you have a good day! 

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