Return of His 'Old Friend'

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(Posting only the first half of the Flashback part...cause with each's getting lengthier to keep it in one chapter🥲will publish the next part by tomorrow evening🥰🤌🏻)

"So...i was're behind all're back"

Virat exclaimed horrifyingly.

"It was you....Vishal!!"

Vishal's smirk went wider as Rohit turned sharply towards Virat, his eyes widened with disbelief.

"Vishal?? Vi!! know him??You know who's he??"

But Virat was too shocked to answer Rohit's question. He kep staring at the figure in front of him, with utmost shock, still unable to believe that his worst now back in his life. After 15 years....he's back to haunt him again....Vishal laughed.

"Well your question is slightly wrong, Rohit. Why don't you ask 'your' Vi....if he remembers his 'Childhood bestfriend' Vishal Roy Kapoor huh?? Well you know....I'm sincerely hoping that he does....cause you have no idea how much effort it make sure that my dearest bestfriend will never forget me...even till the end of his life...he'll never forget...Vishal Roy Kapoor....!!!"

Rohit glared him.

"Shut up and Come to the point. Who are you?? Why you're here and what do you want from Virat??"

Vishal smiled.

"You know....You ask too many questions Rohit and I've too little patience to answer them. Why don't you ask your dearest Vi about's been 15 years but still....I'm sure he remembers...about me....about us. What say 'Cheeku'??? You do remember me right??"

Rohit threw a hatred look at him, before turning back towards Virat with concern.

"Vi!! Vi what's wrong??? Who the F is this psycho guy, who claims to be your childhood bestfriend?? You don't know him, Do you?? You know....he's the one behind all these things happened with us for last few months...he...he's the one who blackmailed me to betray you...he's the one who tried to kill you...twice...he's the reason behind our miseries....and how...How can he claim to be your childhood's not it?? Please Vi!! Tell something....don't just sit silently...say something!!"

But Virat didn't answered Rohit's questions. He was completely numb...unble to say or respond to his bestfriend's worries. His mind traveling in the past...recalling the day when he first meet a sweet, talented and almost angelic boy named Vishal Roy Kapoor and the day...when that angel finally showed his real demonic face.


"Rohan!! Uh...I'm here....Sorry for late...i went to market with Papa and Vikas bhaiya....let's begin the match now....."

A 7 year old Virat rushed towards his closest friend Rohan and exclaimed...while panting a little. But later..he frowned when he realized everyone were standing there silently....instead of playing as usual. Virat looked around and found Rohan standing there with other boys too. He went near him.

"Arre....What happend?? Why everyone are standing here and not playing?? Did something happened or what???"

Virat asked Rohan in a loud voice. Rohan shook his head and immediately asked him to be quiet and took him to a farther corner of the playground.

"Arre Virat shhh!! Come here!! You know today a new family moved in our colony..and.....they're living in the empty house of Mr Kapoor...."

Virat rolled his eyes.

"So what Rohan?? Come to the point....Did they refused us to play here or what?? Do i need to go and talk with them??"

Rohan sighed.

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