If you want to take him, Go through me first

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Rohit stopped his car and looked up. He was standing in front of the famous Siddhivinayak temple of Bangalore, A place where Virat brought him, when they both visited Bangalore last year....for the IPL match of RCB VS MI.

"You know Rohit, this place is like a lucky charm for me!! Whenever i came here before any match, either we won or i contributed well with the bat!!! Most importantly Whenever i feel sad....i come here and sit!! I always feel like...as if someone is comforting me by saying that 'be patient....it'll pass too...'!! This place is special for me.....You should remember this place Ro!!! So Whenever you'll feel low...you'll feel like you can't take it anymore....you can come here and sit silently!! You'll see....everything will be fine again!!"

"But why i should come here Vi?? Why should i go anywhere else, when i have you??"

"I know idiot...but still suppose what if there'll be a time, when i won't be there for you...."

"You know i don't like to imagine impossible things Vi!!"

"Still imagine...for me!! If there'll be a time...when you won't find me with you to share your pain or problem or happiness....you'll come here....you won't keep them by yourself....you'll come here and let out all your pains and problems....in front of Ganesha. Especially when you'll be here...in Bangalore!!! Promise now....."


"Promise me Ro!!"

"Uhh...Ok ok fine Mr Kohli!! I promise....I'll remember this place..and if someday i won't find you with me to share my pain....I'll come here.....but you promise me one thing too!!"

"Ok...but what???"

"Promise me that you'll never make such situation....when I've to come here to feel better....you'll never leave me alone to deal with pain....whenever I'll need you....you'll come to me...no matter wherever you are....if I'll call....you'll answer!!"

"You know you're sounding like I'm going to leave you soon...Ro!!"

"Just promise Vi!!"

"Ok fine....i promise too..."

Rohit came back from past and mumbled quietly to himself.

"I still remember this place Virat!!! I still remember our promise. Now it's your time to remember yours!!"

He parked his car and went inside. The doors of temple were opened and it was midnight, so one was there. Rohit took a deep shaky breath and went to sit in a corner. He looked up at the smiling face of Lord Ganesha and broke down. Time began to pass slowly as the dawn came too....But Rohit didn't moved even a bit. He sat still.....without showing a movement..he just stared at the statue of Siddhivinayak in front of him....without blinking. Tears still rolling down from his eyes.

"You're....you're breaking your promise Virat!! You're not responding me....You.....you can't do this to me..!!!You...you can't leave me...you can't let me live the rest of my life alone and guilt stricken.....i can't....you know....you know i can't live my life without having you in it...You..... you've to open your eyes....for me you've to wake up......i won't let anyone stand between us... not this time.......not even the death.... you'll come back.....you've to...for me... you've to...."

Rohit sat in front of the siddhivinayak for straight next 6 hours.....he didn't asked anything to the remover of obstacles....nor did he pleaded....he just stared at the beautiful deity of the all mighty with a lifeless icy look.

"If you want to take him....you've to go through me first.....and i promise you, Oh the All mighty one!!!! Neither me nor My Bestfriend is that weak who would get down....without a tough fight.....i know my bestfriend is a warrior.....i believe in him...thay he'll never break his promise...he'll survive.......even if you.....or....even if his destiny has some other plans for him.. He'll Survive...."

Broken Piece of My Soul: A Rohirat Fanfiction Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum