The Ultimate Betrayal

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Next Monday in the early morning flight, Rohit landed in the Bangalore. He booked a cab and after sometimes he reached at NCA where spotted almost everyone were already present. Rohit gazed around him and realized Virat wasn't present there. He took a relieved breath.

"Maybe...he didn't arrive yet!! Good for me actually!! I..I'll go and ask Rahul bhai for my room key. Then I'll stay in my room as long as possible and will completely avoid him or his presence around me!!"

Rohit thought and went to meet Rahul Dravid sir, who was talking with jinks and jaddu about something. Rohit approached them with smile.

"Hey Rahul bhai.....hey jinks, jaddu!!"

Rahul sir gave him a small welcoming smile, while Jinks just gave him a formal nod and jaddu didn't even bothered to acknowledge him. Rohit forced himself to keep smiling, while Rahul bhai asked everyone to gather around him.

"All right boys....everyone's present here now!! As you all know, for what purpose we all are here!! For the next 15 days, you guys wil stay the national cricket academy for a team bonding program. BCCI designed this 15 day program, so you guys can spend some light quality time with each other, without having tension of matches or any other things. Which will also help the new comers and juniors to be comfortable around the seniors and we, together as a team can work for the better improvement and empowerment of our Indian cricket and our beloved ICT!!"

Everyone clapped in agreement as Rahul bhai further spoke.

"Now i request the team india captain and the senior member Rohit Sharma to come to center and share his views on this project and his valuable advice to the Youngsters... "

Rahul sir turned to Rohit and said with a smile. Rohit smiled and was about to speak, when jinks suddenly interrupted.

"Bhai....if you and the captain don't mind, i think we should skip it!! Everyone just reached here and they might be tired too. So we can arrange a meeting in the afternoon and then captain can share his precious knowledge with everyone....but for now, i think we should skip it!!"

Rohit's smile faltered and he immediately stopped in his track, when he heard jaddu's voice.

"Yes bhai!! Besides I'm sure almost everyone present here is already conscious of our captain's thoughts on team values and trust. So i don't think we should waste our busy captain's time or energy here!!"

Jaddu said in a sarcastic tone, his words directly stabbing at Rohit's heart. Rohit looked down, to avoid looking at anyone. Rahul bhai looked around to find everyone nodding in agreement. He sighed and nodded.

"All right then....guys!! Do whatever you want to!! I hope you all will enjoy your stay here....If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me or the staff members. All right??"

"Bhai....can we play in the pool for sometimes?? We haven't done a pool session for quite sometimes now bhai....please??"

Shubhi asked in a eager tone, trying to ease the tension in the air. Rahul bhai smiled.

"Of course shubhi why not!! You all came here to have fun with your teammates. Make sure to enjoy it to the fullest....I'm in my office. Do call me if you want anything....."

Rahul sir smiled and went towards his office. All the juniors got busy planning their pool sessions, while all the seniors were planning to go out for a group dinner in the evening. Rohit was standing in middle of a complete stranger....who can't talk with anyone. He sighed and dropped his shoulders in disappointment.

"Maybe.....i really made a mistake by coming here...i shouldn't have came here!! After all....I have lost all rights of calling them my family, for the way i behaved with them....for everything I've done with their favorite Virat/Virat bhaiya!! and it'll be unfair for me to expect them forgive me so soon!!"

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