Darkest time of his life

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(Just a quick reminder: keep patient  and wait to know the whole story before judging anyone. Be it me or the characters of my story. Thank you😊)

"Breaking news: Team india's Captain Virat Kohli got sacked from the all format captaincy. BCCI president Sourav Ganguly confirmed that on the basis of the application signed by all the members, BCCI decided to taking away the captaincy and giving the vice captain Rohit Sharma the chance. Ganguly also confirmed that virat will continue to serve as a senior and important member of the team.

This incident took the internet by storm. BCCI and the indian team players facing severe backlash from the fans from all over the world for such mistreatment towards their best player.

Former captain refused to say anything on this incident. His manager posted a announcement on social media, saying that Virat Kohli doesn't have any problems with BCCI's decision and for now....he just want some solitude along with his family and requested the media to give them some space"

A lot of things changed in the last 1 month. Ravi Shastri sir regaining from the head coach's job. Rahul Dravid sir becoming the new head coach. Jassi and Rahul taking the job as the new vice captains of test and limited overs. Virat losing his captaincy, his position in playing 11 and his bestfriend on that fateful day. Team India losing the chance of entering in the WTC final by the margin of 1 wicket!! The dressing room dividing into 2 groups....most of them supporting their ex captain, while some new or desperately trying to secure their position in indian cricket type old players supporting their new captain. ICT not remaining a family anymore. Them becoming just a normal team again, where they're not brothers, not family but just professional teammates. Them not celebrating a wicket or someone's century whole heartedly like they used to do before. There's no story of Jamnagar echoing in the dressing room. No late sleeping, no water splashing, no fight for bff, no magic tricks. Nothing.

A lot of things indeed changed in the last 1 month.

They says that Change is the only consistent thing in this world and indeed there's a change in the ICT. But....not the one anyone ever wanted. Not the one....anyone imagined before.

Virat sighed and rested his head against the back of the chair he was sitting. He's been sitting in the garden for quite sometimes, remembering all the events of past 1 month. How...how just that one fateful day....changed his whole life. How....it's been 40 whole days....since he's been happy....truly.

"It didn't took 13 seconds to destroy everything they've build together in last 13 years....alas!! How much he just wants it to be a bad dream.....how much...how much he just wants to rush to his bestfriend and tightly hug him.....How...how much he wants to make everything normal again!! Even while knowing very well that....it's not in his hands anymore.....only he knows...how much desperately he just wants to forget the past 1 month...."

"Bhaiya..i think you should go and eat something...."

Virat didn't opened his eyes to acknowledge his kiddo's words. He replied.

"I don't want to jass....please don't force me..."

"Bhaiya....bhaiya please... you've to eat something.....you haven't eat since last morning. If you'll continue to skip your meals, it'll affect your body and health. Please bhaiya....don't do this to yourself...."

Jassi said in a pleading tone. Virat tried to smile.

"Jass....kiddo I'm fine....don't worry!! Fine I'll eat something.....you go and rest....you're sitting with me from past 2 hours....your back will stiffed. Morever You've a match tomorrow....go and rest....I'm just sitting here to kill my time....go..."

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