announcement 😌

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Heyyyyy!! So sorry for this but uh yeah I have no intention on finishing this 😭😭 simply bc this was one of my first ever fics and it's really cringe tbh 😭 there was a whole storyline w this too 😅 here's the plot

after the last chapter, Bakugo & Y/n have sex and become "something" but Bakugo gets hit by a quirk one day after school w Deku and Uraraka. The quirk makes you fall in love w the next person you look at and so he looks at Uraraka and blah blah blah he ghosts Y/n blah blah blah she's devestated when she finds out, gets drunk and stuff, ends up sleeping w/ Iida just for fun.

Anyway next day the big 3 come into the class, Y/n falls in love at first sight w/ Amajiki 😍 (love him) they get together during the arc w Eri. super emotional and a bit of trauma bc what's a BNHA fic without one?

TIMESKIP to after high school. They're all pro heroes. Y/n is engaged with Amajiki. Y/n gets pregnant w Amajiki's baby. Big ass blow out happens w some villains, every hero is called in for help. Y/n goes in, helps find the head boss w/ Aizawa. Bakugo gets controlled by the villain (had a super detailed quirk for the villain but to make it short he takes the pain of the person's most important memories then like triples it into physical pain) Y/n has to heal his mind blah blah blah she sees his memories and finds out he cheated bc of a quirk and it wasn't turned off until a year later when Aizawa used his erasure on him and got rid of the quirk blah blah emotions. Amajiki gets fucked up by a villain and dies, asks Bakugo to take care of Y/n and the baby.

Y/n slips into a coma from grief and overusing her quirk while pregnant. Bakugo watches over her. Y/n wakes up just in time to give birth. They talk about their issues blah blah healing and therapy blah get married, have lots of sex, and babies and then they live happily ever after. The end

AGAIN so sorry for not finishing this and it's gotten so many reads 😭 wtf but yeah. THANKS FOR READING!! I have other fics that I put more effort into so yk go check them out I guess 😌 or don't. I don't really care 😚💛 BYE!!

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