16//Internship - Day 3//16

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"So Mitsuki, I've got a question," Y/n spoke.

"What is it?" she asked, swallowing her donut.

"If you're family, how come your hair's purple?"

"Oh. My hair is actually white," she said. "I get that from my dad, Aunt Rei's brother. I get my eyes from my mom. I just dyed my hair."

"Honestly, when I first saw you I thought you were extremely beautiful," Y/n smiled.

She blushed. "Really?"

Y/n nodded and she smiled looking away.

"I don't get much guy attention," she opened up to Y/n. "Whenever the girls talk about guys, they tell me I'm too muscular to be a girlfriend."

Y/n frowned. "What? What's wrong with being muscular? I am too."

She glanced at Y/n's body. "Oh. Wow. You are! How have I not noticed?"

Y/n shrugged. "It might be because I'm short. I've always been muscular. I didn't want to rely on my Quirk all of the time so my dad helped me build muscle."

"So Aizawa-sensei is your dad," Mitsuki said. "That's kind of awesome, but I can definitely see it. You both have that crazy scary glare."

Y/n laughed. An explosion went off and they flinched. They turned toward the hero they were patrolling with. Shadow stood up.

"Let's go, girls."

The two of them followed Shadow out of the cafe and down the street. Y/n stared up at the burning apartment building. Shadow sneered.

"I'm not good with fire," he said and turned toward the two of them. "I'm going to need your help with the rescue. Are you two up for it?"

"Yes sir!"

Y/n took in a deep breath and used her Quirk.


Civilians began to pile out of the building and Shadow guided them, asking the number of people living in the building and keeping count. Mitsuki and her duplicates helped assist the civilians and help them out of the building. Shadow was keeping Y/n on the watch for villains in case this was an attack.

"Imagery! There are a couple of kids missing!" Shadow yelled. "They were asleep! They should be on the top floor!"

"Got it!"

She expanded her wings and flew into the sky. Y/n searched around the building. Her eyes caught the attention of two kids banging against the window. The room was in flames. Y/n pushed on her wings.

"It's okay! I'll get you out of there!" she said.

Y/n placed her hands on the window and ripped it out of the wall. The kids coughed rapidly. She scooped them up in her arms and flew to the ground.

"It's alright. You're safe now."

The two boys looked up at her with blurry vision. "Thank you!"

She gently wiped their tears. "Of course."

They hugged her and she froze. Y/n's chest swelled with happiness and she hugged them back. Y/n flinched as her hearing heard the scream of a baby.

"Stay here," she said.

They nodded their heads. Y/n flew into the air and they watched in awe.

"Sugoi!" they muttered.

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