5//USJ pt 2//5

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 "What do you mean fight? Are you stupid?" Mineta yelled.

"Smarter than you," Y/n mumbled.

"You're contradicting yourself, Midoriya!" Mineta yelled.

Y/n smacked him and grabbed his shoulders. "Pull yourself together, Mineta! You're here to be a hero, right? You need to maintain a calm mindset if you're going to succeed!"

He flinched.

"I know you're scared," she said. "I am too. I'm terrified, but my father is out there kicking ass. We owe it to our teacher to give it out all!"

He calmed and nodded his head. "Okay. You're right."

Y/n heard Midoriya muttering.

"If you've got a plan, let's hear it," she spoke.

"Our only hope lies in the fact that they don't know our Quirks," Midoriya said. "Except for Y/n, but they don't know that she has it."

The three of them started explaining their Quirks to him. Mineta began to freak out again and as Midoriya started to reassure him, the boat was hit by one of the villains.


"The ship's broken," Tsu said.

Mineta started throwing his puffballs into the water.

"Oi! Don't use up all you can muster!" Y/n scolded.

"Wait! We can use this!" Midoriya said. "I've got a plan. Follow me."

Midoriya stepped onto the railing and yelled.

"What the hell are you-"

He jumped into the air and screamed, "SHIINEEEE!"

Y/n burst into laughter.

"Delaware Smash!" he yelled.

He flicked his finger toward the water. Y/n grabbed Tsu and flew into the sky. Midoriya's attack caused the water to explode into a whirlpool. The villains stuck to Mineta's puffs and clashed together from the waves. Tsu wrapped her tongue around Midoriya and Y/n pushed away from the villains. She landed safely toward the shallow end. Midoriya started muttering to himself. Y/n took his hand.

"Ack! What are you-"

"Shh! I'm gonna heal you," She examined his fingers.

"You can do that?"

"Yeah. I've been practicing," you said. "Now hold still and it might hurt for a second."

He winced as she touched his fingers. Y/n imagined the ligaments, tendons, and bones in his fingers reverse into their original form and within a second, they snapped back into place. Midoriya cried out in pain.

"I'm sorry," Y/n grimaced. "I told you it'd hurt."

"It's okay," he panted. "It feels a lot better now. Thanks, Y/n."

"You're welcome," she smiled.

He clenched his fingers and unclenched them.

"We should head to the exit," she stated.

The others agreed with her.

"I think he overexerted himself by jumping into that fight with the villains to protect us," Midoriya spoke.

Y/n flinched.

"U-Um. Sorry, Y/n," he said frantically.

"It's okay. I agree," she spoke. "I... I want to help him."

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