𝐓𝐄𝐍, killshot

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"HAS THERE BEEN ANY WORD on Ubuyashiki-sama, Tomioka-san?" Shinobu asked airily, her eyes never once leaving the glowing screens which projected the world leader's faces.

"He's been resting, fallen ill with a fever," Giyu stated, his hands pinned behind his back.

As the nine highest ranking members of the government, Shinobu Kocho, and Giyu Tomioka bare the burden of worldwide anger. All due to Koro-sensei's existence, all to protect their classmates and students to suffer such a punishment that was avoided due to their high standing.

"Even on the school trip, there was no progress in his assassination even with two Hashira on the case," A man with a gruff voice spoke out, voicing the men's mutual thoughts. "Is this matter truly going to be alright, Mr. Karasuma?"

Karasuma paused before answering his question in fluent English, "This is all due to my incompetence, not theirs. I will put forth an even greater effort." Shinobu smiled, way to go Sensei.

"It is already the end of May. The time limit is growing closer by the moment."

"When push comes to shove, we can just use a nuclear missile on the entire school," One man chortled, his boisterous laugh echoing through the screen.

"The risk is much too high. You should give up on that idea."

Shinobu sighed, closing her eyes as she tuned out their voices for a brief second. These meetings were dreadful, listening to old men. Babbling on about their ideas that they would never carry out on their own. Having the luxury to laugh because the blood of their victims would never stain their hands. How utterly stupid.

"He might move faster than the explosion and escape it," The man continued. "There was that time we ambushed him with a missile attack in the Pacific Ocean." He trailed off, a tone of embarrassment lacing his voice, "He put the pieces back together and came to return it the next day..."

"Isn't there any way to deal with him!?" One man exclaimed, the people around him murmuring amongst themselves.

"Rest assured," A chilling voice stated, leaving the others silent. "Several of our allied countries have pooled their technologies and are conducting research. They reached an agreement with Japan's ministry of defense some time ago. As for the application of their findings..."

"Two special assassins will be sent to that classroom. They possess abilities which surpass the limits of human intellect through the power of science." Shinobu's eyes fluttered open, downcast to the cold tiled floors.

𝐍𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄'𝐒 𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐄, assassination classroomWhere stories live. Discover now