𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓, blame it on the kids

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E-CLASS WAS BUZZING WITH ANTICIPATION for their long-awaited school trip to Kyoto. It was going to be a place where they could all bond with one another, have fun, and, most importantly, have the best assassination attempts there. Everyone was practically oozing with hope, the knowledge of kicking it back with the chance of money had everyone spun up.

Because of this upcoming trip, everyone had separated into groups. Usually, with people, they were most comfortable. Shinobu sighed, tapping her pen against her notebook cover, the soft sound of plastic hitting leather barely audible in this noisy classroom. She had just wanted to stay home, perhaps spend more time with Sumi, Naho, and Kiyo. But this event was critical in Koro-sensei's assassination, so she wouldn't back down.

Nagisa, Sugino, and Kayano were staring down at the handout, their eyes grazing over the information. "So we're splitting up into groups, huh?" Nagisa hummed before turning.

"Karma-Kun! Shinobu-Chan! Do you want to be with us?" Nagisa smiled, looking at the pair.

"Hm? Ok~" Karma hummed, his hands in his pockets.

Shinobu's head perked up at the mention of her name before registering the rest of Nagisa's request. So, she did what she thought was best, stay silent and attempt to walk away. An attempt was the keyword here. Karma only grabbed onto the scruff of her collar, dragging her over to the group. Her toes barely touched the ground. "Ok~ Shinobu-Chan is on board~"

"Ehhh? You're going to behave yourself, right Karma? Sugino commented hesitantly. "While we're traveling, it'll be problematic if you pick fights, won't it?"

"It'll be fiiine~" Karma lazily reassured before pulling out a questionable picture of himself and two others. His aura turned purple, and the group could've sworn that a tail, horns, and a Koro-sensei-like smile appeared upon the sadist. "When I stir up trouble out of town, let's just say... I know how to keep witnesses from reporting it."

Shinobu would feel sorry for the pair if she cared anyway. But as of now, she was currently attempting to escape Karma's grasp, flailing her legs around as the people watching sweatdropped at the comedic sight.

"Oi... Like I thought, let's not ask him to join our group!" Sugino exclaimed, gripping the azure-eyed boy's shoulder, eyeing the redhead.

"What can I say?" Nagisa smiled, silently rethinking his decision. "We've been friends for a while." Karma suddenly appeared beside Sugino, dragging an exasperated, given-up on all hope, Shinobu. Whose face couldn't have been more blank.

"So, who do we have?" He questioned before glancing around, counting off each member. "Nagisa-Kun, Sugino, Kayano Chan... and?"

"I invited Okuda-San to join us, too!" Kayano said happily.

Karma glanced at the shorter girl before suddenly dropping her on her ass, making everyone freeze up out of anxiousness about what would come next. Her smile tightened as irk marks appeared on her skin, she glared at the teen, uttering, "F*ck you, you strawberry-ass..." Karma's mercury eyes lingered before completely changing the subject, turning back to Nagisa, who was currently deadpanning harshly.

𝐍𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄'𝐒 𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐄, assassination classroomWhere stories live. Discover now