Read me bitch

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3rd Bakugou X Reader done!

I have loved writing these stories for you guys and hope I can do more in the future.

"Desire" was a different approach in my X readers, yet I think I'll always prefer writing the story going through the teenage _____'s life and through UA.

Now I currently don't have a new story but once I come up with something I'll let you guys know so keep in touch!

My opinion on my stories so far: "Legacy" is my favorite and will always be a favorite.

"Desire" and "Broken Past" both have great ideas and plots but my favorite story I've written is definitely Legacy so let's see if I can top that in the future 👀

Thank you so much for reading and being on this journey with me! Your comments are literally the only thing that keep me writing! 💀 so be nice 🙄❤️🤪


And see you in the next one 🙈❤️


Desire (Bakugou X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now