Kapter 4

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In the next few days Mina has tried to get Katuski to give her _____'s contact info. But.. he didn't have it.

He walked into the training room finding her and Soren fighting.

River was just practicing using his own quirk.

"Hey Dynamight!" River said smiling.


Katuski looked over at _____ and Soren.

He noticed how they would fight without using quirks.  Some type of physical training he guessed.

_____ got distracted looking over seeing Katsuki which gave Soren the upper hand to pin her to the ground as he sat on her waist.

"HAHA I WIN! Thanks for the easy victory babe." Soren said smirking.

______ glared. "I got distracted!"

"Haaaa creating excuses?? that's a first even for you babe."

"QUIT CALLING ME BABE!" She yelled blasting him with her lightening.

She got off the ground brushing herself down.

Katsuki walked over to her as Soren ran back.

"HEY NO QUIRKS!" He yelled at her.

"We finished fighting already." She snapped at him.

"So you admit you lost?" Soren asked smirking.

Katsuki looked at the two.

"I don't lose."

"Aww come on babe it's ok to admit it." Soren said putting his arm around her shoulder teasing her.

Katsuki glared and without thinking pulled Soren away.

"I wanna fight. Fight with me." Katsuki demanded looking at ______.

She looks at him and nods.

"Huh!? We weren't done!" Soren yelled but the duo ignored him moving into the stage to fight.

River continued to work on his own quirk as Soren joined him miserably.

"Do you want to use quirks or not?" _____ asked.

"What's up with you not using quirks?" Katsuki asked her. "It's the whole point we're heroes."

"Eh, let's just say I like to grow my pain tolerance. Plus we won't always have our quirks to depend on." ______ said.

"I'll beat you even without quirks. I'm stronger then you." Katsuki says.

"You couldn't even beat me with quirks"

He glared while she smirked.

"Fine. No quirks. Let's fight." Katsuki said backing up.

She smiled and moved away.

They both stretched it out first before starting.

Katsuki ran at her the moment they started and grabbed her arm to knock her down but she grabbed his and jumped up kicking his abdomen making him let go.

He glared dodging her every punch. "You're real fast even without your quirk." Katsuki said.

"Making small talk during a fight? You're real cocky" she said throwing another punch as he dodged it but she moved her leg to trip him.

He fell to the floor and she got on top of him grabbing his neck and pinning his arms to his side while sitting on his chest.

She smirked.

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