Kapter 58

753 27 19

Another week or two passed by.

Katsuki started to work with more Heroes helping them figure out cases and beat Villains.

Kenji and Kyori went to Kindergarten coming back from class with eager stories to tell their mother back at home.

"..And then Ms.Wendy told me I can play outside on the swings!" Kenji said explaining his day to her.

_____ smiled heating up food and setting the plates.

"Really? That's good. What about you Kyori? What did you do?"

"Paint! I made you and papa a drawing!!" Kyori giggled.

_____ smiled walking over putting little chicken nuggets into the kids plate with some veggies as she kissed both their cheeks.

"That's awesome. Show me after you eat lunch." She said ruffling his hair as the boys started to eat.

While they ate she walked to find her phone.

When she got it she just called Mitsuki.


"Hi Mitsuki, I was wondering if tonight was still happening??"

"Of course! I made the kids favorite spaghetti so I'm sure they'll eat it."

"Alright, thanks we'll be there!"

She smiled hanging up as she look over the twins who were avoiding the veggies.

"Boys you have to eat everything." She said as they avoid her eyes.

Kenji just nibbles on his last chicken nugget as Kyori poked the green beans and carrots.

"Come on. If you don't eat it you can't leave the table to go play." She said

"But I dont wanna..it's ugly" Kenji said looking at her.

She smiled at him. "It may be ugly but it's delicious. Try it and tell me what you think."

Kyori looked at the green bean just picking it up.

"No I don't wanna!" Kenji whined.

Kyori just took a bite of it eating it slowly.

"See Kyori's eating it. He doesn't think it's ugly, do you Ky?" She asked as he shakes his head smiling.

"I like it!" Kyori said.

_____ was a bit shocked to hear that but honestly it made her smile.

She looked over at Kenji who still refused to even taste it. And after multiple attempts for him to eat it she got annoyed.

"Kenji. Eat it or you're not coming to Grandma's and Grandpa's tonight." She glared.

Kenji stayed silent not whining afraid of her glare as Kyori happily finished his carrots hoping off the chair.

She just took Kyori's plate to wash as she eyed Kenji.

"get back in your seat." She said.

He froze sitting back down pouting in front of the plate.

Kyori ran back into the kitchen holding his painting to _____.

"Look mama!" Kyori cheered.

She looked down just drying the plate as she smiled seeing his painting.

"Wow, you sure you did that? I didn't know I had an artist for a son" _____ said taking the drawing.

Kyori giggled smiling up at her as she adored his smile putting his drawing on the refrigerator.

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