Kapter 46

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The next few days were simple.

Nothing major happening, the twins got much bigger both being fed very well.

Katsuki was busy with work having issues with not only the Lords attack but some other groups who have piled up on him to make his job harder.

He recently fought against three bad guys but two got away. He manages to defeat the third one causing him a lot of damage which the two bad guys who went by, Sprout and Soul, watched in disbelief that their brother got caught and almost killed.

They had no idea whether or not if their brother Sparrow was actually alive so they had alot of hate built up towards Katsuki.

...hate that was going into plans and times to attack...that Katuski had no time to even think about.

Currently he was on patrol with Silver again. Making her take care of stupid robberies.

Katsuki stretched his back as fans were taking pictures on him and asking for autographs.

He ignored them all looking over at the streets finding nothing.

He got a text from _____ letting him know she took the twins out with Mina and Emori to a cafe.

He was actually nearby that cafe wanting to visit them on "accident".

"Aye will hurry it up!?" Katsuki yelled at Silver who shoved the bad guy into a cops car.

"Sorry I was busy DOING ALL THE WORK MYSELF!" Silver snapped as Katsuki rolled his eyes.

He started to walk as she ran after him.

"Sooo where we going next?" She asked following right behind him.

He checked his phone then looked up as they crossed the corner and smiled.

"Want coffee?" He asked her as she looked at him confused.

"We already did our break- HEY WHY YOU RUNNIN?!" Silver yelled chasing after him.

Both unaware of the group of fans following and two individuals within that group watching them.

Silvers face lightened up once she saw the real reason Katsuki wanted to go to the cafe.

"OH MY HEAVENS MS.NOVA THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!" Silver yelled looking down at the two babies in a stroller.

______ just hugged Katsuki smiling at Silver.

"OH AND PINKY! THATS YOURS AND RED RIOTS SON RIGHT!? THIS IS AMAZING HI KID!" Silver said waving at Emori who waved back giggling.

"Aren't you guys busy??" Mina asked as Silver pointed at Katsuki.

"He's the boss I'm just following."

Katsuki smirked still having his arms around ______. "Exactly. I'm the boss."

Mina rolled her eyes smiling as Emori munched on the cookies infront of him.

Kenji and Kyori just look at their father who randomly appeared and reached for his attention seeing it all on their mother.

He kissed _____'s cheek as fans entered the cafe amazed seeing the Number 1 Hero and his family out in public for the first time.

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