Extra :)

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This doesn't have anything to do with NEVER AGAIN chapters. Just merely an extra scene who don't exist ;-;

Crimson Blood splattered across the room along with piercing screams of agony. The louder the voices are, the lesser they'll alive. It's because of rebellion from certain group of people who don't agree on power hunt decree. Ones where every elemental masters need to give up their power to the king of this island who is currently............

Certainly not Clouse. He's already dead...

"Kai, ENOUGH!!!! Let's go back together!!!" Nya desperately tried to release herself from her friend's grip as she screamed for her brother to wake up from his berserker mode.

"Go back? You're kidding, right? After all you've witnessed??," Kai said while wiping off the blood on his face, the gaze of his eyes are full of resentment for his sister but not whole of his mind correctly belonged to him. The staff corrupted the host too much that the mental state is also affected.

"I never wanted you to be this way!!!!!," Nya shouted with anger, she had just met her brother, not expecting him to become something..... Worse than herself. "Did i ever tell what i wanted to be? These powers......should belong to the one who deserve to wield it!,"He declared.

"But these people form a rebellion against you because you've gone too far on taking their freedom!!! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO KILL THEM??!!!!," Her anger got the best out of her. That also snapped Kai into distressed mindset. "WHO THE HELL WOULD CARE??!! IF THEY HADN'T GO UP AGAINST ME, CERTAINLY THEY ARE STILL ALIVE!!!,"

"WHO WOULD CARE!!!?????? DID YOU JUST SAID WHO WOULD CARE???!!!!! WE DO!!! THEIR FAMILY DO!!!! THIS WHOLE UNIVERSE DO YOU LITTLE SON OF-" before she could swear, jay covered her mouth faster than anyone could and patted on her shoulder, hoping that she'll calm down.

"We can calmly talk this out.," Zane offered to Kai as he released his grip from Nya. "Talk.......heh......HEHEHAHAAAHAHAHHAHA!!!! YOU'RE CRAZY!!! WHILE LOOKING AT THESE SLAUGHTERED SOULS YOU DARE TO OFFER A NICE TALK??!!!!!"

"I KNEW YOU GOT SOME SCREW LOSE IN THAT FAKE HEAD OF YOURS BUT CAN'T YOU READ THE SITUATION????" He taunted with eeriness. Zane didn't look away from Kai's insanity face, yet he knew something doesn't feels right in his heart.

"Oh wait......" There Kai goes, about to mock again.

"You're not even a human to begin with,"

That snapped Zane to reality, he knows that he never born. He was created but that doesn't make him emotionless as stone. He wanted to lung at him but his desire was stopped when he look at Nya for a second. That's her brother he's about to destroy. But...... Despite all of Kai's wrong doing? No one..... Going to forgive him.

"Kai.......... don't you remember who you are...?"
Lloyd softly spoke. But burning anger still remained in his heart. Those people who mercilessly executed.... and there stand the proud killer.

However, at the mention of his name, Kai's reaction slowly changed into confusion, headache and stressed as he grab on his head. His expression became more humanely than before who thirst for bloodbath.

"Wait ..........................



who's Kai again...?"  He muttered with uncertainty. The others showed sympathy and puzzled look at each other.

He continued to goes silent and look at his now dirty with crimson blood on his palms. His hands are shaking.

"Who's he......," The katana on the floor hurriedly swiped to be held in his hand, lowered it and point at the ninjas. Nya mostly shocked by his reaction. "You can't be serious..............You killed innocents only to not remember yourself as doer?.....You......real bastard!!!!!!,"

"Killed................Oh........" He continued to mumble until a snap of twig on his mind began to crumple.

"Now i remember who i am!! Haha!" He said gleefully. Waving the katana and sheathe it back. Despite the gruesome people died in front of his face, Kai just lose some emotion on caring. Where's Skylor? Easy answer. Chen, Clouse, Many masters are dead. Skylor is held down into a basement to perform anacondrai ritual to be used for later.

"I'm..........Clouse aren't I?," Kai said mononous with crazed eyes on his face. One where the real Kai Smith of 'Never Again' would never admit. Lloyd, Cole, Nya, Jay and Zane went wide eyed when they heard the name who doesn't belongs to the rightful owner.

He mimics the tyranny.

"Well then, thanks for reminding me, now then.... it's time for massacre mess, right? So fellow ninjas.......


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