꧁Time For The Hunt꧂

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It is a beautiful day with clear skies. But what happened few days ago cannot be ignored. Evil never rest.

The birds are chirping as the sun light up the sky with full blue sky. A certain ninja in blue, observing the beauty and was clouded with thoughts.

The others are training but quite worried about Master Chen's next move. Meanwhile the elders are isolated, trying to figure a plan on how to destroy the staff.

The conversation of Master Wu and Garmadon are heating up.

Wu: "If we send the ninjas alone, with no one to assist.. It's pretty much a risk,"

Garmadon: "However, If I knew Chen personally, he won't take a rush decision since he has Clouse to correct his every movement,"

Wu: "Or we all could go on that island together,"

Garmadon: "I am the eldest yet I felt you're too old and vulnerable to go there,"

Wu: "Somebody needs to have an eye on them. I don't want any of my pupils return disabled,"

Garmadon: "They won't. Only mild injuries. They  are capable of taking care of themselves.

"We are going there to get the staff and if the island was swarmed by a lot of anacondrai worshippers, we'd still have a chance by gathering all Masters,"

Wu: I know. But that-

Master Wu was interrupted as a knock on their door continuously made noises.

"I'll get the door," Garmadon offered himself and get off the ground, heading toward it.

Once he pulled the the door, it reveals a young, blond ninja in green gi, holding a letter.

"The mailman delivered a letter for you guys,". Garmadon soften his gaze on his son.

"Thanks, Lloyd, If you don't mind. Please close the door back," He replies and Lloyd went ahead closing the door and catch up with the others.

He took the letter, approaching Master Wu. Wu, who is sitting calmly on the ground gave a curious look at his brother and asked "What does it says?,".

"It's a letter from Chen," The eldest said in concerning face. He frowned as he read the letters in his thought. Master Wu decided to stand up and stand closer to his brother.


"Dear Elemental Masters,

Most of you probably know me for being exiled for a long long time but I decided to come clean after years. No other purpose intended.

To make up, I summon all of you, Elemental Masters to a Tournament of Elements I held located off the west coast of Ninjago, the Endless Sea by the date xx/x/20xx.

It's time to show the world what you're capable of, how you use your power and only The last man standing will be given a prize which no one could ever reach and remember...

Only One Can Remain

Regards, Chen

At this point, the brothers are shocked to receive the letter literally came by exiled man, Master Chen.

"He's definitely up to something again," Garmadon sighs in defeat. He should have seen it coming.

Wu came along with a sigh as well and stares down while poking his nose bridge with his wrinkled fingers.


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