꧁Nothing Personal, Really꧂

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Today is the 7th times of Master Chen's worshippers trying to breach into the museum. Apparently, they never succeeded to do so.

It may be a coincidence or it's just our luck that they aren't able to retrieve the staff. I'm starting to put them on pathetic list but seriously, that sounds pretty rude.

We recently received a call from Pixal, she notified that the worshippers are coming again but this time, they actually made a progress! They managed to breach into the museum but how? They never get through past the guards despite how many people they gathered.

In which, we ninja's are running our way to the scene! Master Chen must have sent a new candidate to steal the staff... Well.... Someone more maturer and reliable..

We arrived at the scene but-

Suddenly, a man in short sleeve jacket and black cloth underneath stormed out of the museum as we arrive. He and the fellows are running away. Somehow, he looks familiar but I don't know...

"Guys! That guy managed to get away with the staff!!," Cole shouted, worried and the wants to get faster fuels his energy.

"No Way!! He is a true challenge!," Obviously Jay loves to be unexpected and joking around.

"Stay focus! Do not look down on your enemy or he'll actually able to ran away," Lloyd firmly stated, not out of annoyance but stealing isn't something allowed by the law.

"But they never get a chance," Cole stated.

"Seriously? Why do they want that thing anyway? It's just something covered in gold and crystal and is completely useless!," The ninja in blue frowned while letting out his frustration. He quickly changed the position and take it to his advantage by running to my side.

"So, uh. How's your day Nya?," He asked me. Excuse me? We're in serious situation! "Keep focus, Jay. That guy gonna get farther and further!," I exclaimed. I hope he understands that not every situation is perfect for conversation.

"That's it! We need to separate our ways through different alleys! Make sure you'll end up surrounding him!," Zane had enough eventually that he's the new Lloyd. Actually I agree with that and so is everyone else.

Time to get things done!


Me and Nya will be going for the east since we knew out ways and where it'll bring us. I took a glance up towards Nya.. damn, she's serious whenever we're in a mission.. I don't know what came over her everytime.

At the same point, she looks more beautiful up close.. it raises a question. Is there anybody would disagree in our wedding?
"Wait! Over here," Nya suddenly signalled.

She grabbed my hand as we ran to catch that guy. We turned our direction into a dark alleyway where there is a ladder up from the trashcan.

"C'mon!," She continues with her soft voice. "I saw he went up this way If we're not hurry, he'll disappear at any point,"

I went up first before Nya since she's a lady. But I quickly stopped mid-half of the ladder as I see 'him' taunting me.. That guy just sitting there while weilding the staff at me!

"Jay! Hurry up. We can't get ourselves distracted. He's running away with the staff!," Nya growled.

I decided to obey and stand where I shall stood and I grabbed her as she's climbing on top of this flat roof. Our eyes met the blazing fire eyes. From up close... He has that side bangs. "Psst, Nya. Is he trying to be a pretty boy?," I asked as I shove her shoulder and whisper.

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