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Hope you like this chapter! Tell me what you think! Hugs- Isabel

It's kinda funny, I think at least. The Winchesters come for my help, but don't know how I can help. Lovely, really.

"Did you guys ask Chuck?" I say, thinking that that might at least help a little.

"We would, but he's missing." Dean says.

"Missing? When?" I ask, I kinda liked Chuck, he was kinda cool.

"A while ago, while you were hiding from us." Dean says kinda irritated.

Sam shakes his head. "Anyway, he just disappeared, that's one of the reasons why we needed to find you. We don't know what's coming."

I sit there for a moment blinking. "You're kidding, right?" I ask.

"No." Sam says, confused.

"You don't know what's coming?" I say, I just shake my head. "Guys, you haven't noticed, anything?" I look at Cas. "What about you?" I ask Castiel.

"I am only aware of certain things." He says. I sigh.

"You guys are at least aware of the Horsemen, right?" I ask, hoping they weren't that out of the loop.

"The what...... oh them." Dean said.

I look at Cas. "So you told them about the Horsemen?" 

"Yes I did. I didn't see how it was relevant Though." Cas says, in his normal monotone. I face palm myself.

"Again. What about Horsemen?" Dean asks.

"The Horsemen, We got their rings if that's what you mean?" Sam asks. I nod..

"There are four horsemen. The White one is Pestilence, The Red one is War, The Black one, Famine, The Pale one, Death."

"Whose rings do you have anyway?" I ask.

"War and Famines so far." Sam says. I nod.

"How do you know that much anyway?" Dean asks.

"I went to Sunday School, duh." I say. When I was a little girl my mom would take me to church with her. She died when I was young though. I sigh, ugh, I will not cry.

I look out the window, it's mid afternoon. "So, what's the plan anyway? You gonna take me away to save the world?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

'Yep. Pretty much, but we gotta show you something first." Is all that Dean says. I smile, this was going to be interesting.

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