You All Die

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You settled down on the couch, this time between Vanya and Allison, as Five straightened his blazer and began to speak.

"All right. First off, I wanna say I'm sorry. I know I really screwed the pooch on this whole going-back-in-time-and-getting-stuck thing. But the real kick in the pants here is that we brought the end of the world back here with us."

"Oh my God, again?" Klaus asked in disbelief, holding a bottle of alcohol.

When you all looked at him pointedly, his mouth fell open.

"All of you knew? Why am I always the last one to find out about the..." He paused his eyes widening. "Oh my God. My cult is gonna be so pissed. Five! I told them we had until 2019."

You snorted, but Five seemed dead serious.

"We have until Monday. We have six days."

"Is it Vanya?"

"Klaus," Allison said in a warning tone, frowning.

"What? It's usually Vanya," Klaus responded defensively.

"One time," you argued, and Vanya cast you a grateful glance.

"Do you have any leads, Five?" she asked in an attempt to change the subject.

"Yeah," Five said with a sigh, taking a file from Diego and handing it to Allison. She opened it to reveal the picture of Reginald Hargreeves on the grassy knoll.

"Holy shit, is that Dad?" Allison asked, shocked.

"Yeah," Diego replied.

"That's him?" Vanya looked down at the picture without much emotion. As far as she was concerned, he was just another rich old man. You almost wished you believed the same.

"Standing on the grassy knoll," Diego emphasized.

"Diego, Eight, and I have been trying to talk to Dad about what exactly this means. So far, we got nothing," Five said, his eyes meeting yours.

"Not nothing," Diego disagreed, and you sighed, rolling your eyes.

"Here we go."

"We know he's planning to kill Kennedy."

"Maybe. But we don't know who or what sets doomsday in motion. Could be Kennedy, could be something entirely independent. But if we know something changes the timeline, we have to make it right again," Five said calmly.

"Yeah, but how, if we don't know what's broken?" Allison asked.

"Come on. Do the math," Diego said, leaning against the back of a leather armchair. "We know Dad's having shady-ass meetings with some shady-ass people. We know he's on the grassy knoll in three days to kill the president. So I think we all know what we have to do."

He straightened up, walking next to Five as you realized where he was going with this.

"Stop Dad," you said at the same time Five said "find Dad' and Diego said 'kill Dad'.

The three of you cast annoyed glances around at each other, and Luther raised a singular eyebrow as Allison scoffed.

"I think you three have been spending too much time together," Luther informed you, and you were unable to deny it.

"None of us are supposed to be here, right?" Vanya asked as Allison tipped back a bottle of liquor. "I mean, what if it's us? Has anyone here done anything to screw up the timeline?"

A blanket of silence stretched across the room, punctured only by the sound of Allison pouring herself a glass of alcohol.

"Diego's been stalking Lee Harvey Oswald," Luther said, finally breaking the quiet.

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