Chapter 4: a crying bella

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Kaden comes and sit down besides me, he looked at me with a smirk WTF is that smirk for. 

'What is it?' damn he is really annoying me right now

 'Nothing, Nothing is wrong just wondering why you do not date thats all?' Yep, definetly a problem, oh fuck now the group is listening, I better handle this carefully

 'Why, do you ask? Hoping to fill the spot? Well to be honest, I just can't find any good guys here that's all.'

'What!!!! Well I guess I could take you up on that offer' I open my mouth to respond when I hear a, 'Oh HELL NO!!!!! Don't you dare steal our GIRL' from a bunch of the guys in our group that decided that now is a great time to make there entrance.

'Well he has already done that!!! She is leaving us' bell exclaims with a sniff. This of course makes the guys pretend furious, and next thing I know I am being carried away to sit on Alex's lap he has just arrived.

'No one steals our girl, even if she moves she still is ours!' Typical Alex glares at Kaden, while Kaden just looks at Alex and then at me, he must be thinking shit are they together or were together, oh crap I was just flirting with Kaden, hahahaha what a fail of a guy.

'Guys calm down, and remember I am nobodies girl, you are all just my boys, you all know that! And Kaden this is Sam, Alex, Josh and Ben, and boys this is Kaden now play nice!'

'Yes, babe, we always do and nope your our girl!'

And with that we started to argue and banter, you could here our shouts, and see us running around, trying to tackle or poke each other till the other screamed mercy.

‘Ok Lyscia Mercy, Mercy please stop I cant take it any longer’ Alex cried out in pain as I had him pinned  on the ground.

‘Ha boys looks like I am the winner, so I guess that means I was right, or do we want another round?’ I tried to raise my eyebrows at them but failed miserably.

My friends new me very well, but there was a secret, that I could not tell anyone, not even my parents. That's why I can kick all of these boys asses. No joke! But if I go to boarding school, how can I keep the secret, I mean no one knows and how do I keep it hidden.Lunch continued and everyone seemed to get a long, more of the group joined us and we had fun, everyone seemed welcoming to Kaden, and he did not seem to bad.

After Lunch we went to the one class were I am actually awake and do proper work mainly cus its all coursework but still Kaden followed me, and I was not surprised at all, anyway we went inside and walked into ICT, my teacher, Mr Mack apparently knew about Kaden coming in. Anyway, I sat down on my seat and started my coursework, although we have only been in school for 2 weeks, I have actually done a lot on my coursework.

 During the lesson, Mr Mack does his usual annoy the us and tell us insane stories. Kaden must think that Mr Mack was a wierd teacher, but I think that he was great, we did the work, did it well and had loads of fun. Now this lesson was like any other but a bit more sub-dued, we had the usual bantering, insults and a few bashes on the head. 'Is it always like this Lyscia?'

'Well, its a bit more sub-dues but that's mainly cus you are here but if not yeah' and with that he left me alone will I did my work and also messed around.

'Kids, now Lyscia is leaving so there will be another excuse for a party in my next class with you all which is on Friday, which is also Lyscia last day, so remember bring all yummy unhealthy stuff and whatever else but alchol or drugs because this is school and not your house, now fly my beautiful monkeys' and with that we left. Me and Kaden were first out the door.

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