10.Fèlix's reasons

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Fèlix's point of view

I open my eyes. I can't remember damn thing for a couple of seconds. After feeling such pain in my head I think I know what happened. My uncle fell down because of Ladybug. My head hurts too much for me to turn and see what happened.

Sometimes I have to remind myself why am I even helping my uncle.

 Because the thing is... He is not a bad man. He is doing it all for love. For my mother's sister. For my aunt Emily. It's for Adrien's mom. 

After acknowledging that fact I decided to help him. 

There was one time I went into his room in a bad moment. He was sitting there looking at her picture. He was sobbing so painstakingly. 

- I am so sorry, forgive me please! So sorry. - He sobbed again. The tears were falling from his eyes. He didn't even wipe them. He knew that it would be useless. He knew there are more to come. - It's all my fault. I am so, so sorry Emily my love. - He covered his face in his hands. - I love you so much, please forgive me. I can't do this anymore. - He hugged her picture as more tears  were about to come. - love you so much... - He looked at her picture and smiled through the pain. Smile turned into sad expression. 

I knew that I shouldn't come in before he invites me. I just went away thinking about how he must feel. 

Gabriel is not a grumpy old man. He has feelings somewhere deep down. He just hides them. No one sees the real side. Twisted and crooked, scarred, waiting for his love to come back side. 

Im glad I can help him get his wife back, Adrien's mom back, my mother's sister whom she loved so much. My aunt. Sometimes I forget why he is doing that and why am I helping him. But I soon as I remind myself I have no regrets. I like my uncle. Adrien would't carry this, but I can.

And since I can I have to get up. I look down on the left. Sandboy is getting defeated. I look down on the right. My uncle is trying to get up after the fall. Unless he is safe. God why am I so emotional today.

 I must've got hit in my head pretty badly. 

I jump onto the left. Ladybug and Chat Noir got Sandboy down. She is de-evilizing him. I hit Chat Noir in the back of his head with my fan. He fainted and I crouched to take his ring.

- Goodbye little... - Jojo fettered my hands. I sarcastically smiled to her. 

- That's a bit rude. Interrupting you know...

- I think stealing is more rude than interrupting. - She threw her allegations. 

I mean yeah, she had a point.  She runs in my direction and kicks me in my chest. I pull my hands to me so she fells as well.

Well she fell on me which wasn't planned. She looks me in the eyes with hate. Our breaths are mixing together as we both don't know what to do. Even me. I think I got a bit... awkward? Well that's definitely weird.

 I slide sideways and un-tie my hands. 

I hear the beeping on her earrings. I grin. 

- Looks like you don't have much time... M'lady. - I laugh after mocking Chat Noir. She looks furious.  As I try to take Black cat's ring I got judo-flipped. 

What the heck.

She shakes her head signalizing that I better leave her Kitty alone. Then she looks around. I couldn't even blink and she threw her jojo at the construction above and pulled it. It started to fell down in my direction. She took Cat Noir but couldn't pick him up. The last I heard was...

- Kalki full gallop!

- See you again Ladybug... - I spit words through my teeth as I run away with anger. 

Now I know how my uncle feels when he gots defeated almost everyday. 

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